Thursday, September 1, 2016

Day 9 - Happy National Chicken Boy Day!!!

Welcome to September.  Everyone knows that one of the best ways to commemorate a new month is to look up the list of special days associated with the first of that given month (Stick with me here).  So, keeping that in mind, let's celebrate September 1st!  The special days are as follows...
  • National Chicken Boy Day - Literally celebrating the ceremonial birthday of a 22 foot fiberglass statue of a boy with the head of a chicken holding a bucket of fried chicken (I wonder if this is some weird form of idol worshipping?)
  • National No Rhyme (Nor Reason) Day - This holiday is in place to celebrate words in the English language that don't rhyme with anything.  Like 'orange'.
  • Emma Nutt Day - Celebrating the world's first female telephone operator.  And apparently all women who would go on to break gender norms.

So to reiterate, we're celebrating some really important days today and you'd think that Ellie would have been super excited for her first National Chicken Boy Day.  I know that I am.  We could have gone to KFC together, had mashed potatoes, corn, sweet tea, the whole nine yards.  Unfortunately, Ellie's been asleep basically the entire day due to recovery from her shots yesterday.  Poor thing.  So I've actually had very minimal baby time today.  

Now obviously everything that's written prior to the last two sentences is very tongue-in-cheek (The holidays ARE real; look them up), the fact remains that my baby has slept essentially the entire day away which doesn't help in the making of a great blog post.  However, that doesn't mean that we haven't had fun with the limited time together we've had outside of sleeping.  One of my biggest goals with Ellie is to get her feeling comfortable with music.  I feel like if I can link up the sound of music with safe settings, she'll learn to feel comfortable around it.  So today's lesson in Pavlovian therapy was syncing up her bouncy seat with 'Danger Zone' by Kenny Loggins.  Each time the music played, the seat would bounce.  When the music ceased, the bouncing would stop and she would generally start fussing.  I regret not taking video of this to prove that this is working, but definitely will in the future.  And if nothing else, it certainly ups Ellie's coolness factor to be rocking out in her bouncy seat to the theme song from 'Top Gun'. 

No, not that one. That's 'Playing with the Boys'.

That one's better.

The weirdest thing about Ellie sleeping all day is finding that she can sleep through some loud things.  I spent time both cleaning the shower and vacuuming since we have company this weekend (Ellie gets to see her uncle Ryan!).  It seriously amazes me that I could vacuum less than four feet away from where she was sleeping without waking her up.  Not only did she not wake, she didn't even stir.  I literally checked for a pulse to make sure all was well.  Don't worry, she was alive and wanted her bottle shortly thereafter.  **Sigh of relief**

So, in conclusion.  This has been a rather random and nonsensical posting today.  It's literally a post about nothing!  That's what will happen when your baby decides to sleep away her entire day.  And on National Chicken Boy Day of all days.  #DaddyWrite

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