Friday, September 23, 2016

Day 24 - Infant Linguistics 101

So there are certain days of taking care of Ellie that are picture perfect and nothing goes wrong.  And then there are days where as Moby would say, "It fell apart, it fell apart."  Luckily for me, today was one of the former instead of latter.  (Side note, does anyone else wonder how Moby has made a career of singing the same song for almost fifteen years?  Can anyone even name another Moby song?)  Honestly, it's been the picture perfect day of baby care imaginable.  Ellie and I even were able to begin the day with a three and a half mile walk.  I'm extremely grateful for all of the great weather that we've been having lately, especially early in the mornings, since it allows us to actually get out of the house for an hour or so.  Also, Ellie sleeps so well on her walks that it makes life easier.

Jason Bourne will teach you to make fun of Moby...

Upon our return home, Ellie went straight down in her swing to continue her morning nap until hunger pangs set in.  That gave me some time to just relax, catch up on the news for the day, and eat my breakfast before she woke up ready for her lunch.  Once Ellie awoke from her slumber, we headed up to her room for a diaper change, a wardrobe change, and lunch.  Most days when I'm feeding Ellie her lunch, I like to have the radio on in the background.  It's just background noise mostly to break up the silence and I frequently switch between stations.  Today, we actually listened to 610 Sports Radio which brought up a question in my mind; how many babies listen to sports radio on a near daily basis?  It has to be a real rarity.  The lone bad thing about this day has been the fact that Ellie must have a stomachache or something.  She just continually opens her mouth and lets milk just run down her entire torso until it reaches my shirt.  That's a less than optimal feeling.  In fact, my shirt is still crusty and hard from it.  Yuck!

After that, I took her to her playmat so that she could spend some time stretching.  Due to her great attitude, she was more than willing to "talk" quite a bit.  In fact, she basically brought every sound she knows to the conversation.  Now, I'm no baby linguistics expert.  I  have never played one on TV and I certainly did not stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night.  However, I decided to put my best foot forward and create The Ellie Holt Complete Dictionary and Thesaurus, First Edition.  Be sure to order your edition today.  I will even sign copies for an additional charge.

  • ·         Ahhhh - a typical squeal of delight; used exclusively when happy and engaged in activity.
  • ·         Ooohhh - reserved for intrigue or fascination with an object or person.
  • ·         Ah Ga - this sound is primarily made complete with hands in mouth; also may reference the 'American Hosta Growers Association'.
  • ·         Coo - insert cute baby noise here; this is reserved for when Ellie is being engaged in conversation
  • ·         Mmm - accompanied by extruded bottom lip; means that Ellie is preparing to cry or is currently fearful or something.
  • ·         Uggh - Ellie uses this sound when exerting energy in an attempt to sit up, lift her head, crawl, or expel flatulence; or she wants a pair of Uggs and hasn't learned the letter 'S' yet.
  • ·         Meh  - Ellie hasn't learned to say this yet but it is not from my lack of trying; a common word used by her father to show excitement, indifference, sadness, and complacency; Inflection of the voice aids in meaning.

As is the case with any dictionary or thesaurus, this will be continually updated as time passes.  I must ensure that all people know what Ellie is saying at all times.  The last thing that I want is for my baby to unintentionally offend people with such salty language.  #DaddyWrite

Sound it out...

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