Thursday, September 8, 2016

Day 13 - How do you get out of baby jail?

Another day down of hanging out with Ellie and I'm beginning to see her advance in a lot of ways.  She can do a lot of things that she couldn't even do two weeks ago.  She's learning how to hold her head upright which is great.  It certainly makes it easier to multitask when holding her like that.  You know, read a book or eat a banana.  Something like that.  She's also learning distinct cries to show what she's wanting.  There's a particular one when she's hungry, when she needs a change, or when she's tired.  No particular cry yet for when she doesn't like her outfit, when she wants to go to the zoo, or for when she's ready for a bath.  I figure those will show up at some point.  Especially the one about the zoo.  

She even has already gotten a modified army crawl down.   It's harder and harder to keep her on her playmat during tummy time now.  She certainly gets ticked off when she continually gets pulled back from the carpet.  I don't know why Ellie views the carpet as some sort of undiscovered paradise.  It's really just an undiscovered source of facial rug burn waiting to happen.  I just don't have the heart to let her discover that for herself.

The one thing that Ellie really has not learned to do at all yet is to fall asleep on her own and I could not be more excited for that to occur.  Not that I don't enjoy rocking her to sleep.  It just gets redundant when it happens three times in the span of thirty minutes.  There's really just a couple of things to blame.  Ellie's legs and arms still seem to be a little beyond her control at this point.  When's she awake, she generally gets along fine and can even exert some ability when it comes to grasping at things.  When she's asleep though, it's like she's dancing to 'Conga'.  A nice swaddle seems to take care of that just fine though.  

The bigger problem pertains to her irrational fear of her crib.  When she wakes up in her crib, I think she believes she's been abandoned in some kind of baby jail.  The bars raising up from all around her.  Too tall to climb.  Too skinny to squeeze through.  No friend from the outside to send her a cake with a nail file baked in.  She can't even dig out and head to Mexico like good old Andy Dufresne.  It's no wonder that she cries when she sees her predicament.  

I decided today to embark on what may be a fool's errand.  I WILL GET ELLIE TO NAP IN HER CRIB OR DIE TRYING!!!  That's not an overstatement or anything right?  I figure that if I at least try once a day to get her to nap in her crib, then she'll eventually get used to it and figure out that it's not so horrible.  Either that or I'll buy her a harmonica so that she can play solemn tunes about prison life.  Or a Theremin.  #DaddyWrite

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