Friday, September 9, 2016

Day 14 - Look at all the pretty fountains...

So I'm actually beginning to wonder to myself how early I can attempt to potty train Ellie.  Legitimately I might add.  There is this mindset referred to as elimination communication or natural infant hygiene.  I prefer to call it by its proper term; holding a baby over a toilet.  Ellie even hits that time range of between zero and four months to which the process is meant to accommodate.  The concept is that I would watch Ellie with an eagle's eye for signs that she's preparing to void her bladder.  When I notice, we would sprint to the nearest bathroom and I would hold her over the toilet.  Sounds easy enough right?

I'm guessing if this was a common thing, then I would actually hear of more people doing it.  I've really only seen it once.  On Facebook.  On a status liked by a friend.  It would be super nice as I am getting a little tired of getting urinated on by my daughter as I change her diaper.  I probably go through three changing pad covers a week because of Ellie wanting to pretend she's a fountain.  I mean I like to pretend that I'm a fountain too but I like to use my mouth and a glass of water instead.  The problem is that I'm clueless at seeing the signs coming.  She literally catches me off guard every time.  I guess that's probably why people decided to invent the diaper once upon a time.  Too lazy/too oblivious/too busy to hold their infant over a toilet while they void their bladder.  

On another and much happier note, Ellie and I got to make a fun trip outside of the house today which included Ellie's first ever trip to the library!  Hopefully that's somewhere that she will like to go a lot as she gets older.  Assuming that she learns to read as early in life as her parents, we'll probably be making a lot of trips there quicker than we think.  Of course, Ellie's much too young to really tell me what to get her so I just have to do it myself.  It'd be so much easier if she helped of course.  She was too preoccupied staring up at the halogen lights and admiring the rows and rows of colorful books to really give me input.  So we just settled for some Dr. Seuss books.  Perhaps my daughter's first sentences will consist of nothing but rhymes if we read her enough of them.  And then she'll be well on her way to becoming the best five year old rapper of all time.  'America's Got Talent', here we come!

After the library, we headed to Lowe's to return Ellie's curtains since they didn't work.  I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't approaching that trip with some degree of trepidation after what happened the previous time.  I even purposely went to a different Lowe's to avoid being recognized as that guy who can't calm his baby.  No one wants that label.  Luckily, she loved it this time.  She even went to sleep in the cart while being pushed around the store.  Good baby; I'm very glad that home improvement stores bring you peace and joy.  #DaddyWrite

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