Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Day 8 - 'Shot' through the heart...

"Oh Ellie."
**Inquisitive stare**
"Guess what day it is?"
**Blank stare**
"No, it's not 'Hump Day'.  Well it is 'Hump Day' but that's not what I'm talking about."
"It's 'Shot Day'.  Sorry baby, but you've got to get your shots."
"I know it stings but that's the way things are, Ellie."

Yes, that's correct.  Today was 'Shot Day' for Ellie as well as being her two month checkup.  And while that conversation, exhilarating as it might have been, didn't happen, I'm pretty sure that me apologizing to her on the way to the doctor's office did.  Poor baby; she honestly never saw it coming.  This was actually the first time I had taken Ellie to the doctor by myself which may have been a big coincidence or may have been a big mastermind plot by Bethany.  I'm more apt to believe the first option rather than the second, but the conspirator in me want to leave the second option open for debate.  

In all seriousness, I've come to the decision that taking your baby to the doctor's office is more traumatic for the parents than the baby.  I mean, until we actually went back to the examination room, all Ellie knew is that she was sitting in her car seat, sucking her pacifier, and listening to 'The Lion King' playing in the background.  In case you're wondering, it was the part where Mufasa dies during a wildebeest stampede.  I think that's a good thing to show kids while they're in the waiting room, right?  Get them all sad and stuff before they see the doctor?   Teaches them all about the circle of life?  
I'm not going to cry. Not going to cry. But it's just so sad!  WAHHHHH!!!

Once we headed back to the examination room, first on the agenda is disrobing the baby for measuring and weighing in.  I was pretty interested to know what exactly Ellie was weighing and what her length was these days but that was where my excitement for this appointment ended.  Coincidentally, that's where Ellie's patience for the appointment ended.  Being totally naked on a cold, plastic scale didn't appeal to her?  I really can't imagine why.  She even showed her displeasure for the scale in the only way, a combination of screaming and cleaning out her bladder.   All of this was probably not helped by the fact that she was hungry.  I learned my lesson though for the future.  Wake the baby up and feed her in advance of taking her to the doctor.  

After getting a new diaper, wrapped in a nice warm blanket, and lunch from our bottle, Ellie was moderately happy in Daddy's arms.  That would soon end as the doctor would return,  cold stethoscope in hand, for the exam.  Sorry Ellie, let me hold onto your blanket for you.  After that, I was permitted to dress Ellie but had to leave her legs free for the shots.  Three in one leg and two in the other.  Props to Ellie because she only screamed a little and really calmed down within five minutes.  I didn't realize how bad I would feel for her once I watched the needles go in and the specks of blood appear on her milky white legs once it was pulled out.  In all seriousness, our pediatrician is amazing and I am totally happy with the service and care they provide.  That being said, I'm not excited for round two of shots in November.  One good thing though.  'Shot Day' leads to lots of sleepy baby snuggles.  Not complaining about that at all.  


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