Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Day 3 - Just keep spinning, just keep spinning...

Another day added to my personal ledger of baby-care expertise.  I wouldn't say that it's growing exponentially, but I'm not nearly as incompetent as a few days ago.  That's a good thing, right?  

Walk Ellie, walk!
Ellie and I started the morning by going out and walking a couple of miles.  Since she was quiet and well, you know, not screaming, there was time to just watch her sleep and kind of wonder about the things that babies think/dream about.  Needless to say, I believe that list is pretty small and can probably be detailed as follows. 

  • ·         Eating (Preferably from Mom instead of the bottle)
  • ·         Her parents (Maybe I'll catch up to Mom as her favorite yet, #NoMoreMissingMommy)
  • ·         Her swing/bouncy seat/exercise ball
  • ·         The all-mighty pacifier!
  • ·         Defecating/Urinating (I'll class it up by using fancy words)
  • ·         Sleeping (It makes sense in my head for a baby to dream about sleeping)
BTW, if you've ever had a dream about sleeping, how trippy is that?  I had one a couple of weeks ago and I kind of wondered if Leonardo DiCaprio was trying to perform some kind of Inception.  Luckily, I don't see how anyone would pay him enough to plant an idea in my subconscious.  Another BTW, someone please let me know if the top stopped spinning.

In all seriousness, I did a lot of thinking about how having a child can really teach a person a ton about patience.  I've always felt like I have a large amount of patience and that it takes a lot to actually get underneath my skin.  That being said, in just shy of two months, Ellie has figured out how to press some of my buttons.  Through vomiting in my face, peeing/pooping during a change, not sleeping at nights, and just screaming at the top of her little lungs, she's really managed to rile me up from time to time.  It's definitely giving me a really good character building exercise.  

For those of you that may or may not read this blog, I am a believer in Christ and I'll definitely apply my process of child rearing back to that of a relationship with God at times without trying to be all preachy.  Anyway, today made me think about how the relationship between parent and child echoes that of God and us.  Whatever foolish decisions I make and however much I sin and disboey, God still shows His love for me on a daily basis and will not withhold it from me since I have a relationship with Him.  Likewise, no matter what Ellie does to tick me off and frustrate me, I'm not going to love her any less due to it.  She's my child, the only one I have, and her mom and I are happy to have her.  

And earplugs.  We're still happy to have earplugs.  #DaddyWrite

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