Friday, November 18, 2016

Day 63 - We're Going to "Roll" Around the Clock Tonight

My, oh my, Miss Ellie.  Have you had yourself a full twenty-four hours or what?  Now I realize every day for an infant may be a little full.  At least take yourself back to when you were in elementary school and remember how long it seemed to take each year for your birthday to arrive.  Or Christmas.  Or Flag Day if you're into that sort of thing, I guess.  Now, just imagine how long days seem to little Ellie, especially if her sleep patterns are messed up like they kind of were over the past day.

The part of Jack Bauer will now be played by Ellie Holt...

Normally, I choose to just blog about the things that actually occur during my time alone with Ellie but the events of last evening are too good to just totally ignore.  After Bethany gets home and feeds Ellie, she generally likes to spend some time playing with her sweet baby (who she missed terribly during the work day) while I work on prepping supper.  Therefore, while I was getting our grill ready for some awesome Farmland brats, Bethany had placed Ellie on a big quilt to give her room to spread out and play on the living room floor.  One of our goals lately has been for Ellie to be able to effectively push herself up while on her stomach and obviously that can only come with practice (or perhaps a car jack) so, of course, we put Ellie on her stomach to play.  Ellie's natural inclination last night was to immediately roll over which happened almost immediately.  Bethany moved her back to her stomach time and time again until finally Ellie just started rolling from her stomach to her back to her stomach again and so on and so forth.  In fact, this continued for over a half hour.  Ellie even continued to do so while we ate our dinner in the kitchen and watched her play in the next room.  Unfortunately, all of that activity made it a little rough on Ellie's sleep schedule so she did not have any desire to sleep well that night with us finally getting her to bed around 10:00.

The part of Ellie Holt will now be played by this cute ferret.  At least I think it's a ferret.  Or an otter.
When the alarm raised the next morning, I found myself hoping for better days ahead.  Unfortunately, it was 4:00 am and it wasn't the alarm that raised.  It was instead the sound (and optics) of our neighborhood's transformer blowing up.  And no, I'm not talking about Optimus Prime.  Obviously, if this impacted my slumber, then Ellie's was impacted as well.  Our power was out until close to 7:00 am.  Luckily enough, it came back on in time for me to get dressed and head out to meet a friend for breakfast at Chick-Fil-A.  I thought I had actually left early enough to get Ellie to fall asleep in her car seat but was crestfallen to find that she was still wide awake when I reached the restaurant.  She was good and played happily for about an hour until her patience finally ran thin.  Then it was time to go home and let her cry herself out and fall asleep in her swing.

To alleviate confusion, the part of Optimus Prime will continue to be played by Optimus Prime.

I soon received a phone call from my parents that they were heading down for the day.  My dad had hardly  gotten to interact with his granddaughter in a month so he was really antsy to see her.  Once they arrived, we headed to Outback to eat lunch with Ellie in tow.  I was wondering if Ellie would want to stay in her car seat or be held but already knew the answer; she wanted to be held so that she could play.  And play, she did.  Watching her interact with my parents was really a great experience.  Since she's become more expressive and more aware of her surroundings, they enjoy her so much more.  Snapping pictures of the big smiles across their faces as Ellie giggled and squealed in delight was definitely a highlight of the day as well as for the week for me. 

Moral of the story.  Even when the job gets redundant, the benefits are nil, and the cliental is grouchy, there are still enough surprises and shockers to make it worth it.  Case in point.  #DaddyWrite

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