Friday, November 18, 2016

Day 62 - Cute, Smute...

I find myself asking a lot of questions each day.  Most of those questions lead with the phrase, "Why is Ellie...?" but there are certainly others that do not.  For example, "Why is the alarm already going off?" is one of my favorites that comes up every morning.  I'm also incredibly fond of "What is there in our house for me to eat for lunch?"  Or perhaps, "Is the weather nice enough for me to take the baby outside today?"  In fact, one on my favorite things as of late has been to try and trip up Siri by asking nonsensical questions.  Also, I would be remiss if I did not mention the everlasting classic, "Oh, where is my hairbrush?"  Ok, maybe that last one doesn't actually get asked by me but it does happen at least once a week in song form by Bethany.  

The thing about questions is they don't necessarily have to be spoken aloud in order for you to have them.  And that's what had led me to one of my most frequent questions in my head.  That being, "Is my baby cute or are people just nice?"  And now you're reading this and thinking something along the lines of "Man, this is now a gigantic waste of my time."  Don't worry.  I'll get to my point soon.  I should probably lead with this; Yes, I do honestly believe my baby is cute.  Alas, a qualifier is needed for that.  I am her father.  Therefore it's my job to automatically believe that she is cute.  Maybe if she had a third ear or something, I could escape that responsibility.  For now though, I'm stuck.  :)  

Aw, I guess the third ear is a little cute...

What brings this up are just times that I'm out and about in the world.  For example, Ellie and I have a tradition of heading to my old office once a month to see some of my friends.  Not only is it nice to see them all but it gives me an hour of escapism from the realities of being a stay-at-home dad.  Namely, that you are kind of bound to stay at home.  As the majority of my co-workers were women, there is kind of a line forming to hold Ellie and people basically gush over her.  That being said, these are my friends so I know that they are somewhat held to the same standard as I.  That being, don't insult the baby.  Even if they drop a piercing, eardrum shattering scream that literally makes the floor turn and gaze in your direction, you still can't insult the baby.  Thanks a lot for that one, Ellie!

Strangers complimenting my baby is where I get confused.  Basically anywhere I go, people's eyes are automatically drawn to Ellie.  Whether it's church, the gas station, the grocery store, or, heaven forbid, Walmart, people want to look at the baby.  I feel like looking at her comes with an unwritten social contract though.  If you gaze at the baby, you are required to state her cuteness level for all to hear.  

Just one simple request; please don't do it in baby talk.  I don't mind it when you talk in a cutesie voice at my baby; just make sure it's a semi-complete sentence and doesn't include the words, "Whosthebaby, whosthebaby.  Yurthebaby.  Thatright, yur the baby."  I don't know if anyone enjoys hearing that.  #DaddyWrite

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