Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Day 56 - #DaddyVote

So, I'm going to preclude this post with a simple disclaimer; I really don't get into politics.  I know that there are some out there that absolutely love it for one of several reasons.  It could be that they love knowing the issues and how our country will be affected moving forward.  Or it could be that there's a certain amount of pageantry and drama on display for all to see.  For me, one of the only reasons that I'm even paying attention is that I feel like I have to. 

Seriously, WHAT AM I DOING???
Don't get me wrong.  I love the fact that the people in America have a say in who will be leading this country.  However, I, meaning me personally, don't feel like my vote makes a difference.  Whether I vote for the lady with the e-mails or the guy who's going to build a wall, I'm just one man with one vote. Maybe I'll feel differently whenever I see an election come down to just one vote.  You know, like the movie 'Swing Vote'.  The one with Kevin Costner basically playing Kevin Costner in your typical Kevin Costner-esque role.  

As for now, my primary reason for voting comes down to one simple fact.  There is a large number of men and women who gave their lives for me to have the right to do so.  To not take advantage of that is to trivialize their sacrifice and that's just wrong.  Honestly that's something that has just hit me in the past couple of years.  

So keeping all of that in mind, this morning I set out with Ellie in tow to go cast my vote.  I really wanted to walk with Ellie strapped to my chest, but she was having none of that.  Instead we drove the mile to our local polling place.  As we arrived, we were directed to the grass to park and then headed to the big line stretching all of the way around the building.  After about twenty minutes though, we were told that we needed to be standing in the long line on the other side of the building.  So Ellie and I headed to the other side of the building to hop in line.  

As I was standing there, minding my own business, I hear a familiar voice.  Glancing around, I see one of my neighbors standing four people behind me.  Hopeful that she doesn't notice me, I actually strike up a conversation with the random gentlemen ahead of me.  Before I know it, my four person buffer is gone and my neighbor is right behind me.  Now she can be a very nice lady, but she's also super opinionated and not easy to have a conversation with.  Unfortunately, I now knew how I was going to spend the next hour of my life.  It would be full of complaining and bitterness on her side and lots of nodding and pretending to pay attention on my side. 

Once we finally made it inside, I was more than happy to retrieve my ballot and relieve myself of my company.  Places to fill out my ballot were pretty scarce so I found myself seated on the floor next to Ellie, using my knees as a hard surface to fill out my ballot.  Of course, like a whole lot of America today, I felt pangs of uneasiness as I slid my ballot into the bin watching my number pop up on the screen; 1145.  With that, I picked up Ellie's carrier and headed to the car to go back home.

Come back Mr. Ballot!!!
Some closing thoughts about this whole voting process.  By the time most people have read this, America will have a new President Elect and Barack Obama's time in office will be winding down.  While a lot of people will not be happy with the results, there is one simple truth that I can think of.  Ironically enough, it came from a t-shirt of a volunteer working at the polling place.  That thought is simply 'Vote Jesus'.  Meaning, that the decisions we have made today are not eternal.  I truly believe that God knows exactly how all of this is going to play out and as I pray for our country, that gives me peace.  More importantly I know that I've put all of my faith in Jesus and my decision to do so will never disappoint me, even if the new President might.   

Also, it helps to know that Ellie won't remember any of the tenure of this new President so I'm safe from this question; "Dad, why did you vote for him/her?".  What?  You really thought that I was going to slip up and tell you who I voted for in a public blog post?  As if.

At least we're not electing Terry Crews in a bad wig...

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