Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Day 57 - Drum Lessons for Infants

I find Ellie's little personality to be fascinating as she continues to develop.  No, I'm actually being serious here.  It really is cool to see her likes and dislikes becoming more prevalent as she grows.  For example, she's even showing favoritism between Bethany and I based upon her mood at the time.  I can calm Ellie down to a point when she's upset, but once she hits that point, all bets are off.  Odds are very strong that she will have to pursue one of two courses; either cry until Bethany gets home or cry until she's so exhausted she falls asleep.  Now, don't take that the wrong way.  I do attempt to calm her down but it can be hit or miss if it actually works or not.  

If "The Oprah" can't calm my baby, perhaps no one can...

When Ellie is feeling like being goofy and playful, I feel like I'm the favored parent.  That's probably a good thing since I have such a playful nature.  :)  In fact, I feel like I get to see Ellie's playful nature for at least a little bit each day.  Today, I was even able to combine it with her natural curiosity for all things around her.  There comes a time each day where I feel like I need to accomplish some tasks for the day.  You know, so when Bethany gets home, I can point to something and say, "Look what I've achieved."  It's even better when I can point to something that's not watching Netflix or writing a half-baked blog entry.  

A pretty accurate depiction of me blogging...

Anyway, today as I was working about the house, Ellie woke up from her afternoon nap.  Rather than ending my chores, I decided instead to share them with her.  I know what you're thinking.  The answer is no.  No, I did not try to pass off my chores to Ellie like Tom Sawyer making his friends whitewash his aunt's fence.  That being said, I may attempt something of the sort when Ellie gets older.  I've got to work smarter, not harder!  Instead, I just picked her up and continued about my tasks, being certain to describe what I was doing in detail just so she could hear my voice.  

When it came time to put the dishes away, I decided that I wanted to gauge Ellie's reaction to something.  Taking a large pot and a wooden spoon out of the dish drainer, I turned the pot upside down on our counter, took the spoon in my left hand and began to rat-a-tat-tat out a little tune on the pot.  Musical expertise aside, Ellie was very intrigued by the sound coming from the pot and even began to squeal in delight as I belted out the chorus to 'Bang the Drum All Day'.  Obviously a classic song for Ellie to learn if there ever was.

I really look forward to seeing more of Ellie's personality emerge as she continues to age.  I'm already taking stock in my head of what characteristics I'd like to see emerge in her that are clearly from her mom, as well as the characteristics that would come from me.  Now, obviously, she probably shouldn't get too many from me.  No one really wants another version of me running around.  #DaddyWrite

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