Friday, November 11, 2016

Day 59 - I don't have an ankle bracelet, I swear...

Ever heard of the movie, 'Disturbia'?  It's got Shia LaBeouf, happened around the same time that he was swinging across CGI jungles on CGI vines with honest to goodness CGI monkeys as Indiana Jones' sidekick.  Shia plays this high school kid on house arrest.  He basically spends his days and evenings peeping out his bedroom window with binoculars just to entertain himself until one day he realizes that one of his neighbors is a serial killer.  Then, it's basically him just trying to get the evidence that his suspicion is real and no one will believe him and you probably can figure out the rest of the plot from here.  Well, I've actually been feeling a little like this lately.  The house arrest part, I mean.  Not the binoculars/serial killer part.  That's just creepy.  I guess maybe Neal Caffrey on 'White Collar' would a better analogy.  No one finds him creepy.  Charming and debonair, yes.  Wiley and resourceful, yes.  But not creepy.

I've got to figure the hat flip out in time for Bethany's work Christmas party...

Anyway, there's one thing in particular that has led to me feeling this way and I'm almost 100% positive that you can guess.  That's right, it's Ellie.  Sweet, adorable, little Ellie (I actually mean that and am not just being sarcastic).  While I love my daughter to death and would do just about anything for her, today has been trying to say the least.  Basically the number one reason is that Ellie is refusing sleep.  Beginning this morning at 5:30 am, she's been awake for all but about two hours since then.  Those two hours weren't exactly full of consistent, quality sleep for her either.  The struggle for me with Ellie trying to sleep is that I actually feel like I'm on house arrest.  Only in lieu of an anklet that alarms the police if I step outside of my radius, I instead have a screaming baby that goes off if I make too much noise.  

Let's play "Would You Rather?"

I know what you're thinking right now, faithful reader.  You're thinking, "What constitutes too much noise?"  Never fear because I'll tell you.  Whenever I'm walking down the steps to our basement living area where Ellie likes to nap, as soon as I hit the third step, an inevitable creak sounds.  Ellie, no matter how well I thought she was sleeping, will immediately spin her head in the direction of the sound with both eyes opening wide.  The sound of the microwave timer going off alerting me that my lunch is warm also is too much noise.  Me flushing a toilet and washing my hands after using the restroom?  Too much noise.  The guy who rang my doorbell and left before I could get there?  Too much noise.  Basically anything that is not me breathing or sitting perfectly still today has awoken her from her slumber.  

So, your next question likely is, "So is Jesse mad about this?"  I'll be the first to admit that I'm slightly irritated but I'm not mad at her.  It's not really her fault that she's not sleeping soundly.  I just want to know how to help her.  I find myself wishing that Bethany was here to take a shift but I also know that's not really a possibility.  Not only is she the bread winner for our family but she actively loves her job.  Those being the primary reasons why I'm the one staying home with Ellie instead of Bethany.  Even on the rough days, I'm glad that I'm able to serve both of the women in my life in this fashion.  

The nice part is that if I need to get away from the screaming for a little bit, there's one simple option; putting on my classiest suit and fedora, stepping out on my deck with a pair of binoculars, and looking for serial killers.  #DaddyWrite

No Shia. I said 'fedora', not 'paper bag'

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