Monday, October 31, 2016

Day 50 - That's How I Roll

So I've been working on a definitive list of the worst experiences in the world when having an infant.  All of the researching skills I learned from my sixth grade report on Christmas in Botswana have been put to use in compiling this list so you know it's good.  It's thoroughly researched, meticulously detailed, and comprehensive to boot.  So here we go.

  • ·         When you're waiting in line at the bank behind the old lady who takes thirty minutes to open her new CD and then you do the exact same thing in six minutes.  All while desperately trying to entertain your child.
  • ·         Blowouts and vomit - Because no one loves touching another person's bodily fluids
  • ·         Mayonnaise and Mustard - Just because I hate those things whether or not I have an infant
  • ·         An unhappy baby on a long car ride - I'm relatively certain this is how characters in the 'Saw' movie series must have felt
  • ·         Running a fever while attempting to take care of a baby - Just not even fair.  Especially when you totally soak your bed with your own one night.  At least my wife took one for the team and watched Ellie
  • ·         Epic Infant Gas - "Yes, I know that you're screaming because you want to burp.  Yes, I'm holding you vertically and slapping your back.  Now just burp.  For the love of all that is good in the world, just burp."

Now, I'm certain that there are more things that will undoubtedly be added to this list as time goes on.  No research is ever completed.  If it was, then why are new textbooks constantly needed?  I definitely got to experience the fourth item on this list in spades over the past few days.  Bethany and I spent the weekend in Nebraska so Ellie got a three-hour car trip on both Friday and Sunday.  Then, I rolled up to Savannah for the day to help my dad work cattle so she received an additional set of one-hour trips.  Now, you're probably asking yourself, "Um, did Ellie help?"  The answer to that is a resounding 'No.'  Although the mental image of Ellie sitting in her bouncy seat with a sorting stick duct taped to her arm is endearing, but in reality, I'm pretty sure it would constitute child abuse.  Therefore, Ellie spent the afternoon hanging out with both my mom and my grandma enabling them to get some quality one-on-one bonding time.

It's actually really important to me that Ellie develops a relationship with both sets of her grandparents.  I have fond memories of growing up with my paternal grandmother living right across the road.  So she was basically there for a lot of moments in my life.  From school plays to sports teams to my high school and college graduation.  It's awesome to see her getting to interact with Ellie thus far and I'm hoping that they'll have many more years together.  In terms of my parents and Bethany's parents, I love just how much the digital age has helped to bridge the mileage gap that exists.  Yeah, it's possible to strap her in a car seat, point the car north, and settle in for a loud car trip (Especially when you consider my radio is busted).  There's no guarantee that they'll get to see the really special moments during one of those trips.  You know, like Ellie crawling or walking or playing the Cello.  

Maybe Ellie will learn the harpsichord instead...

The great thing about this age is that those moments are just a quick message away.  Tonight, Ellie decided she wanted to master rolling over.  Now she's done this a couple of times before but definitely strained to do so.  Tonight, we set her down for tummy time and within fifteen seconds, she had rolled onto her back.  Wanting to preserve the moment, Bethany grabbed her cell phone, rolled Ellie to her stomach, and rolled camera.  Twenty-seven seconds later, Ellie was happily laying on her back.  The great thing was that we were able to immediately share this footage with each of our parents.  Just hearing the excitement in their voices as they watched the footage was pretty awesome and definitely makes me want to say thanks.  

  • ·         Thank you Bill Gates for starting Microsoft
  • ·         Thank you Steve Jobs for making Apple a household name
  • ·         Thank you Al Gore for inventing the internet


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