Monday, October 17, 2016

Day 40 - Outswinging our fears

Ok, show of hands now.  Who all knows what fear is?  Ok, that's a decent amount of hands.  I'm content with that showing.  Now, follow up time.  Who wants to share something that they are afraid of?  Ok, there's definitely less hands up now.  That's the interesting thing about fear.  Everyone has felt it at one time or another but talking about it and sharing it is so much harder.  No one wants to put themselves in a situation where they are required to be that vulnerable.  It totally goes against most of our base instincts for survival.  The cool thing is even at Ellie's young age, I can already see those instances when fear manifests itself but that she also has the ability to accept help with conquering her fear.

Example time.  Since today was such an epically beautiful day, we took advantage of the weather this afternoon to head on a walk.  Since it was probably one of the final nice days we would have for the year, I wanted to try and expose Ellie to something new just for fun.  So with that in mind, we headed towards our closest park.  The unfortunate thing about walking in that direction is that the sidewalks are very worn and uneven due to some neglect at this point so I was met with two options.  Option A is to walk on the sidewalk having to ease the stroller over some of the more dramatic bumps and see Ellie freak out and brace herself for impact on the smaller ones.  Option B is to walk alongside the streets and see Ellie whip her head to the side to glance as cars pass her by.  I actually chose a combination of the two which made things a little more interesting.

Once we reached the park, I wheeled the stroller up to the swings.  Picking Ellie up (careful to leave Evy the elephant and her burp cloth behind), we walked up to the baby swings.  As I lifted Ellie away from my chest, she stiffened her limbs in each direction which made it more difficult to place her in the swing.  After finally getting her in place and holding her by her feet, I gently swung her back and forth, careful to support her.  By the look on her face, I could tell she felt unsafe as the swing was still too big for her.  Taking her out, we headed to the big kid swings where I sat her down upon my lap.  Swinging back and forth, she stared up at me smiling and laughing the whole time.  Ellie had true apprehension for experiencing swinging alone, but when doing the same thing with my presence, her apprehension was replaced by pure joy.  

Seeing Ellie so happy always brings me a lot of happiness as well.  I hope as my daughter continues to age, she won't feel like she has to face all of life's challenges alone.  Sometimes it's necessary to ask for help to get through the tough stuff so that we can reach the joys on the other side.  Not the 'Almond Joy' candy bar because, well, because no one likes those, but the real joys in life.  #DaddyWrite

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