Friday, October 21, 2016

Day 44 - Basic Burger Preparation for Babies

There comes a time in every one of my days at home with Ellie when I begin to count down the hours until Bethany gets home.  It normally happens for any variety of reasons.  Sometimes, it's because Ellie's hungry and I'm short on milk.  Other times, it's because she's just screaming like a crazy person and there's absolutely no soothing her.  Or it's simply because I'm bored.  Ironically, on some of those that I get bored, I end up having more fun with Ellie than on a normal day.  

This weekend, I have the rare opportunity to have all of my college roommates/honorary roommates together in the same city at once.  Of course, we're going to take advantage of that and go camping.  Sure, it's late October and it might be a little chilly (ok, very chilly), but we're still going to have a blast.  It's a cheap and efficient way to all be together without bothering our spouses and/or children.  Also, no noise complaints so that's a win.  Given that I have a freezer full of delicious Angus beef, I volunteered to make up some burgers that we could grill for dinner.  I mean hot dogs are always fun and all, but who's going to pass up one of my special hamburgers?  

Um, perhaps vegetarians?  Not to mention bovine.

While I set out to prepare the burgers, I placed Ellie in her bouncy seat right behind the counter so that she was easily within eye sight.  I then began to narrate my actions as I went through it step-by-step (day-by-day).  Narrating my day is actually something that I do quite often with Ellie.  Not only does it further develop my skills for my future career as the Narrator for Disney movies, but it also includes her in whatever I'm doing.  I've actually read (re: research) that talking to your baby throughout the day can help her grow and develop mentally.  I figure that it can't really hurt unless I give her the impression early on that her daddy is a total nutcase.  I suppose it beats having an imaginary friend though.

As I got the ground beef out of the wrapper and placed it in a mixing bowl, I proceeded then to get all of my ingredients out.  My Minced Garlic, my Salt N' Pepa, my GrillMates seasoning, a little ginger, and my secret ingredient which clearly must remain secret.  Placing one thing at a time in the bowl, I would turn, kneel down and explain to Ellie what I had just done and why.  Believe it or not, she was actually quite intrigued and studied my work carefully.  Perhaps I have a tiny, budding chef on my hands.  When the time came to make the patties, Ellie was delighted by the calvacade of noises coming from me slapping the patties several times to get the perfect burger size and consistency.  She was even more delighted when I knelt down with a patty in my hand to show her the finished product.  I actually had to pull it away before she could touch it.  I mean, I'm glad that my baby doesn't want to be a vegan, but she also doesn't need to be eating raw meat right now.

Ok, I think I see what you've done there.  At what point do we eat it?

Honestly, I know it's cheesy and slightly corny to narrate my day to Ellie.  The thing is that it actually makes me feel like there's another human being in the house instead of a very lifelike practice baby stolen from a high school Home Economics class.  Plus, it gives me more incentive to keep her alive by building that emotional connection further.  After all, I don't think that I just get a 'F' if anything happens to her.  Probably worse repercussions there, likely from her mother.  #DaddyWrite

Wow, these things are actually creepier than I remember.

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