Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Day 31 - Let's get real...

So, I wouldn't call myself a temperamental person at all.  But I would refer to myself as being emotional.  Meaning, it's incredibly easy for me to wear my emotions on my sleeve.  If I'm excited and happy, then people are most definitely going to know.  If I'm bummed out, then people are most definitely going to know.  In fact, that's one reason that I like to try and find humor in a lot of situations.  It's one way to easily diffuse stress and anxiety from my life that I may otherwise be feeling.  It also gives me an opportunity to hide behind a face so that I'm not required to share everything that I am feeling with others.  The unfortunate part of being emotional is that it's sometimes really easy for me take things that others do or say to me as a personal attack.  I know, it's silly but that's what I do.  The really silly part is when I take the actions of Ellie seriously and let them get to me.  I know you're currently thinking, "But Jesse, she's a baby.  That's just silly."  Oh believe me, I am fully aware.

Hey kid, I said that I was aware...

Most days with Ellie run pretty smoothly but there are days when she's just in a funk and if it goes on long enough, then I go ahead and come down with the same funk.  Today was one of those days.  After I fed Ellie around 10:30, I decided that it was the perfect day to get out of the house and head to the library to get Ellie some new books.  Side note, I literally have no recollection of Eric Carle from my childhood but I actually enjoy reading his stuff to Ellie now.  Bethany is trying to figure out exactly how I missed out on him.  Ellie did fantastically on our little journey out even falling asleep in the car on the way home.  The problem is that when we got back home and I moved her from her car seat to the swing, she decided that she didn't feel like sleeping anymore.  I even sat over next to her and tried talking her down from being upset.  For my trouble, I just got screamed at louder.  

After about thirty minutes of trying to get her to sleep, I decided to try a diaper change and early feeding.  She immediately was overcome with happiness after her diaper change and even relented to some cuddling and snuggling.  I know she enjoyed it because she was "talking" the entire time.  After about ten minutes of that, the screaming set in again.  So it was time to eat.  Normally, Ellie eats like a champ from a bottle but today wasn't one of those days either.  She fought the bottle the entire time akin to how a shark would fight a surfer.  Whipping her head back and forth and roaring in anger whenever the bottle slipped out.  Obviously, my attempts to try and reason with her regarding why she shouldn't do that were met with stark indifference.  Finally, we struggled through the feeding and following a burp, I was greeted with a big yawn.  Returning Ellie to her swing, I was met with more screaming and refusal to even take a pacifier.

Bruce finds this all funny...

At this point, just worn out with the whole process, I retreated upstairs to scream into a pillow to blow off steam.  For fear that I was going to get angry at Ellie, I just decided to let her cry herself to sleep.  It only took about five minutes so it's not like it went on for long.  I don't write this as a "poor me" story or to get sympathy.  I only do so to vent a little bit and let people know that being a stay-at-home dad isn't always the most enjoyable job in the world.  #TimeToGetReal  #DaddyWrite

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