Friday, October 28, 2016

Day 49 - Time Keeps on Slipping (Into the Future)

Ah, 1996.  So many huge world changing events occurred that year.  From the 'Deep Blue' computer winning a chess match against a human adversary to the O.J. Simpson Murder trial to the Summer Olympics held in Atlanta.  And those are only the tip of the iceberg.  But perhaps 1996 is known best for one thing and one thing alone.  No, I'm not talking about Bill Clinton winning re-election over Bob Dole.  Side note, I'm impressed with the fact that I recalled Bob Dole's name without looking it up.  No, 1996 marked the theatrical release of one of the most important films of the 20th Century; 'Space Jam'.  Yes, the iconic film marking Michael Jordan's film debut and Bugs Bunny's return to the silver screen.  What?  Ok, maybe I'm overselling it slightly.  Just follow along, I'll get to a point soon; I promise.  Released alongside the film (and its strangely everlasting website), was the soundtrack featuring none other than Seal singing 'Fly Like an Eagle'.  The opening lines of that song clearly state "Time keeps on slipping into the future."  And that largely marks how I feel about the first four months of Ellie's life.  Yes, Ellie turned four months old yesterday.  Told you I'd get to a point soon...

Glad someone had the courage to say it...
Honestly, I hadn't really thought much about how much Ellie was changing so fast.  I was more excited to see her learning and experiencing new things.  I also love the way that she is now able to express herself in various fashions whether it be vocally or just with her face.  When she smiles directly at me, it lights up my face every time.  Except for those smiles that I'm relatively certain are only meant to mock me when I'm irritated with her.  This morning as I fed her a bottle, I had a startling revelation set in.  Simply, this used to be much easier.  What do I mean by that?  It used to be Ellie would sit in my arms for ages and happily fall asleep there.  Now, I can barely keep her sitting still long enough to get through half of a bottle before she's wanting to get away.  I actually find myself pining for those days of being stuck holding my baby for hours on end because she won't sleep otherwise.

Unfortunately, Ellie has also learned the "angelic 'Who Me?'" face...

With that revelation hitting me, I realized the importance of making certain I'm taking in and enjoying all of the little moments.  Now see, there are times where I don't really take the time out to stop and smell the metaphorical roses (or the literal poopy diaper for that matter).  Today as Ellie and I went on a walk (taking advantage of that 80 degree weather), I grabbed an apple and a bottle of water from the fridge with the intention of finding a nice place to stop and sit on our walk.  About a mile and a half in, I found a nice bench in the shade outside a local church.  There I sat with Ellie facing me, to eat my apple, and just otherwise enjoy my daughter's presence.  With Ellie reacting to everything around her and squealing in delight at my funny faces, I realized that simple moments like this are going to be things that stick with me long after she's grown up and gotten out of my house. 

But I said it out of love...

Now please excuse me because I've been serious for too long. It's time to go introduce Ellie to the remainder of the 'Space Jam' soundtrack.  **checking the back  cover**  Ok, maybe this thing isn't as good as 1996 Jesse remembered.  Man, he was young and stupid.  #DaddyWrite

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