Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Day 47 - The one with the healthier baby...

So to lead off, I just want to admit that I love my daughter.  You know, love?  Meaning that I'll care about her no matter what she does.  How hard she screams.  How much she poops.  Doesn't matter, I'll love her just the same.  Unconditional is the term that I'm looking for.  However, there are days that come across where my mindset is one of, "You know, I'm just tolerating you right now because I love you.  That's why you're not having to fend for yourself. "  And then there's those days where my thought patterns are more like, "You're so much fun to be around right now baby!  No wonder I love you."  Luckily, today was one of the latter rather than the former

If you read and follow along, then you know that Ellie has been fighting off her first illness.  Now, if you didn't know that, then shame on you (Just kidding).  So needless to say, she has been very disagreeable over the past couple of days.  I was kind of expecting today to be no exception to the rule.  I figure that if I build things up to be terrible in my head, then maybe I can be pleasantly surprised by how they turn out.  Anyway, as the alarm went off this morning, I rolled out of bed with trepidation and headed to Ellie's room to relieve Bethany so that she could get ready for work.  As soon as Ellie heard my voice, she immediately turned her head in my direction to catch a glance at her daddy's epic bed-head.  At least, I'm guessing that's what she wanted to see.  Shortly thereafter, Bethany would hand her to me to watch which was met with a big smile from Ellie.  Once again, probably the epic bed-head.

After Bethany would leave, I would lay Ellie down on her playmat where for the first time in two days, she actually enjoyed an lengthy session of batting at her hanging toys and hugging Leon.  Hearing her laugh (at the epic bed-head?) and play was actually a great relief based upon her emotions lately.  Once she began to yawn, I placed Ellie in her swing, turned it up to three, and watched her go back and forth.  Once her baby blues finally closed, I headed upstairs to grab a shower and get rid of the epic bed-head once and for all.  Upon my return, I found her still asleep and proceeded to take a nap of my own.

This afternoon went just as well.  Once Ellie woke up from her morning nap, she wanted nothing more than to play and to be near me.  It seemed that everything that she did was met with pure laughter on her part.  I guess I can confirm that she wasn't laughing and smiling at my epic bed-head earlier then.  After her afternoon feeding, we even got out of the house for a little bit to run some errands.  Get some groceries, go to the library, relatively simple stuff I know but it can test Ellie's patience at times.  Luckily though, she was so happy to be feeling better that nothing could really phase her.

Is it weird that one of the best parts of Ellie being sick is that we know have a baseline to work with in the future when she falls ill?  We know how she's going to react to things.  What will comfort her and what will make her even angrier.  In addition, now knowing just how happy Ellie is post illness is pretty much worth it.  That being said, Ellie don't get sick again soon.  For the love of everything good in the world, Ellie, just stay healthy.  I implore you, your mother implores you, society implores you.  Well maybe not society, but you get the picture.  #DaddyWrite

FYI: I seriously hate those times when pictures and videos fail to work.

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