Thursday, March 2, 2017

Day 126 - Ellie Equals Tornadic Episodes

Everyone has at least one favorite movie.  At least everyone that I've met seems to have at least one.  Well, maybe not Ellie because she doesn't really watch TV.  Mine?  Either 'The Bourne Identity' or 'Raiders of the Lost Ark'.  Both are awesome to me for very different reasons.  Bethany's?  'The Goonies' (because she's twelve).  Well, when I was in college, my roommate's favorite movie of all time was 'Twister'.  In fact, the very first time I ever saw the movie was while living with him.  So imagine my surprise when instead of hearing the voices of Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt, I instead heard my roommate quoting every single line.  At the time, I was more confused and a little irritated rather than impressed.  Now, I find myself wishing I had memorized some lines from the film too as it'd be super topical with Ellie's new trick of crawling (and destruction).

Wait, did I neglect to mention it was on VHS? That seems pertinent.

Today pretty much picked up exactly where the previous two left off.  That being with Ellie enthusiastically ready to crawl.  Not only crawl, but see what all she could get into.  Our living room has long been her favorite play area so that's where we began our fun.  First on her agenda was heading into the corner of the living room where her toy box is kept.  One-by-one, she would liberate her favorite toys from the box and release them to a happier life on the floor (Side note, what if 'Toy Story' is accurate and that's actually how the toys view it?).  Finally, once she had enough of them removed, it was time to just flip over the box so the remaining toys could spill out.  Following that, Ellie decided to take stock of other things in the room including our lawn gnome, Walter, Bethany's new tennis shoes, and a paperback copy of 'The Street Lawyer' by John Grisham before finally settling down.
After that, I realized that somebody had become stinky and desperately needed a change.  it was Ellie in case you're wondering.  After the diaper change was complete, I decided to let Ellie play in her bedroom just so she could have a nice change of pace.  Believe it or not, she actually adores being in her room as long as it's not time for bed.  Once I set her down, she was off to explore each corner of her room.  It didn't take long before she found herself out of areas to see though.  She had pawed at her laundry hamper, continually played with her baby monitor, and even attempted to pull boxes off of her bookshelf.  Seeing an opening, I decided to let her explore a previously unforeseen area and opened up her closet.

Ellie's eyes widened as she cautiously approached the hole that had appeared in her wall as if by magic.  Finally, she glanced back at me to confirm that all was safe.  Then, Ellie disappeared into the closet and remerged tugging a package of diapers alongside.  With a broad smile across her face, she left the diapers on the floor and returned to the closet only to exit again, this time pulling a bag of baby shoes with her.  She would then make one more excursion into the unknown of the closet and return pulling another bag of shoes behind her.  She would then sit down happily on the floor, staring at her finds with undeniable pride beaming forth.  

Most of the remainder of our day would follow this same pattern as Ellie would wander around a room, remove everything from its appointed place and continue on her way.  By the end of the day, our home seriously resembled a movie set for 'Twister'.  The only thing missing was an out of place cow being blown in circles around our living room.  But that's just silly; no one keeps a cow in their living room.  #DaddyWrite  

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