Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Day 124 - Canine Primate Human?

One of the best parts of being the owner/operator/sole proprietor of a semi-daily blog catered towards stay-at-home dads is that I get to share all of my wisdom with the world.  And I don't just mean the wisdom that I gain from being a stay-at-home dad either.  No, no, no.  I mean all of my wisdom.  Sure, maybe that's cocky or confident to say.  But who else are you going to learn the important stuff from?  Like how some people in life lack the ability run a sub-eight minute mile.  Or how people may really like to have their head scratched to the point that their leg literally bounces.  Or how the "Puppy Monkey Baby" commercial from the 2016 Super Bowl is possibly the most divisive ever.  #WISDOM.  By the way, the answer to your question is yes; all of those things relate to me.  Not just to me, but Ellie as well!

Eventful times are afoot in the Holt household.  Or underfoot depending on how you want to view it.  As stated, I will probably never ever run a sub-eight minute mile and Ellie won't for at least a little bit longer.  That doesn't mean that she's precluded from getting where she wants to go right now.  That's right; Ellie is now mobile.  She's been inching ever so closer to crawling over the past week but today was really a breakthrough for her.  

Basically from the time she awoke from her morning nap, she was ready to go wherever her little body could take her.  The four corners of our living room, previously uncharted for Ellie, are all now mapped out.  From the shirt box filled with old wrapping paper and ribbon to the bookshelf with the radio to the basket of magazines on the floor by the couch, Ellie explored them all.  It used to be that if we wanted to keep Ellie out of something, we just needed to move it across the room.  That's not the case anymore.  At least the kitchen is still an Ellie-free zone at this time (She lacks the desire to crawl on hard floors).  

One of the major issues with Ellie being mobile is that the days of being able to temporarily leave her alone to play while being elsewhere in the house is over.  With our house featuring staircases, I really don't want to test Ellie's ability to fall down them.  Therefore, even the quickest little errand in our house requires the company of an Ellie.  And yes, that does include a quick restroom break.

For example, I just needed a quick bathroom break before we headed on a walk today (Don't be afraid; just a number one).  Therefore, I brought Ellie upstairs with me and sat her in the hallway with the door open (Yeah, that still bothers me too).  Pretty quickly, I glanced over and Ellie was down on all fours.  The entertaining part is that she continually attempted to work up the courage to cross the threshold into the bathroom.  As soon as one tiny finger would reach the tiled floor, she would pull it back to the carpet.  It was like she was engaged in her own personal game of "The Floor Is Lava".  

When you can't find the lava-related gif you want, you instead settle for 'Troy And Abed Shooting Lava!' 

While washing my hands (Yay for good hygiene), I glanced again and she had sidled up next to the door frame.  Then, she began rubbing her head against it.  As I looked down, I saw a look of sheer contentment spread across her face.  She clearly had found a way to itch the spot on her head in a way that her tiny arms and lack of vocabulary would not allow.  She then returned to a sit, cocked her head, and stared at me as if to say, "What? Don't you ever have an itch you can't reach?".  Maybe people aren't lying after all when they say the baby's just like me.

Aww, Babe (Pig in the City?) has an itch...

As crazy as the last couple of days have been, I know that it's going to get even more nuts as Ellie gains more confidence with her crawling ability.  Honestly, I found myself thinking on multiple occasions today that this must be what it's like to have a puppy.  And provided that she really does share her Bethany's toe dexterity (as my mother claims), then I'll know what it's like to have a "Puppy Monkey Baby" before too long.  Three awesome things combined indeed.  #DaddyWrite

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