Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Day 117 - Philosophical Ponderings and Procurement of Groceries

Everyone reaches that stage of life where they begin to ask the important questions.  Questions like "What's so special about 'Grey Poupon'?  Isn't it just fancy mustard?"  Ok, I take it back.  That's not one of the important questions of life.  In fact, if there was a bottom three for most important questions of life, that'd probably be below those.  Do you track me?  I think I literally just said the 'Grey Poupon' question is the most useless, unimportant, and trivial question that there is, has ever been, and will ever be for the duration of mankind.  

No, the question that I'm talking about is one that has reared its ugly head for me from time-to-time over the past few months.  That question basically being some semblance of "Who Am I?".  Side note, maybe I have too much time on my hands if I'm pondering the same things that fictitious male model, Derek Zoolander found himself pondering.  Now, I know my name's Jesse.  I'm married to Bethany, father of Ellie.  Son of Terry and Cindy.  Proud to call myself a Christian.  Those are the major things (in no particular order) that make me me.  However, still the question remains, "Who Am I?".  Well, today, I finally got somewhat of an answer to that one.

As you probably realize, there's a certain amount of predictability to being a stay-at-home dad in terms of my schedule.  Basically put the baby down for a nap, feed her when she awakes, change the diaper, play, rinse and repeat.  So per procedure, once Ellie awoke from her morning nap, I roused her from the swing and commenced the refueling process.  Normally, nothing calms what ails Ellie like a nice bottle of milk.  Unfortunately for yours truly, that was not the case today.  

See Ellie found herself in an extremely sour mood for most of the morning.  She actually spent the better part of four hours rattling my eardrums.  I can't be certain, but there could be tiny cracks in all of the glass in our home due to the intensity, pitch, and duration of her screaming sessions today.  Unlikely, yes, but I don't have a microscope with which to confirm.  Even a pair of phone calls with her mommy didn't help.  Finally, I decided to resort to drastic measures and pull out the car seat.  Of course, once Ellie was buckled in, the smiles broke out immediately (See, strong troll game).  

With no alternative, we set out on an afternoon journey.  While I was initially planning on just driving around, I did pack our cloth shopping bags just in case.  You see, Wednesday has turned into our unofficial fruits and vegetables shopping day since 'Sprouts' has great discounts on those days.  Therefore, once I confirmed Ellie was in a good mood, we headed to 'Sprouts' to stock up.  

Insert Sarah McLachlan here...

While, wandering around the grocery store, we ran into one of our friends who is also a stay-at-home parent shopping with her kids.  Of course, Kayla and I chatted for a few minutes before going our separate ways.  As I walked away, I found myself having a little revelation.  "I'm a stay-at-home parent!"  Now, I know you're confused and saying, "Yeah, dummy.  You've been doing this for like seven months."  Point made.  No, really, this was actually one of the first times that I realized it.  I am a stay-at-home parent now and part of a small fraternity (or sorority).  That's my job and it's important for me to do it to the best of my ability.  Even when the days get long, the hours get hard, and my ears begin to bleed.  Still important for me to do my best.

At least until Ellie has officially driven me over the edge to the point where I'm sitting in the corner rocking back and forth flicking my lips with my index finger while saying something that sounds like "Budub budub budub".  Once that time comes, then I can only commit to doing the bare minimum for a passable grade.  Just like my Biology 101 class in college.  #DaddyWrite

If I can't find a corner....

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