Thursday, February 2, 2017

Day 109 - Perhaps the Baby Saw Her Shadow?

I found myself thinking a little bit today.  I know that it's a really scary proposition, but honestly, what's the worst that can come of it?  Unless we're including that time that I waxed poetic and compared one of my friends to a fajita.  In case you're wondering, it was prior to 8:00 am, I was a Freshman in college, and I felt like I had ample evidence to back up my words.  So, I had every excuse in the book to back up my less-than-wise statements.

It's 10:00 at night and I have an insatiable desire for fajitas. This can't be good...

No, my thoughts were instead about Groundhog Day.  You know, the holiday celebrating cuddly vermin as he exits his stump-like home once a year to stare at the ground for approximately three seconds before being thrust into the air by the acting mayor of a small town in Pennsylvania while flashbulbs of adoring media strobe all around him scaring the poor critter and increasing the likelihood of the mayor needing a rabies shot on February 3rd (Great run-on sentence, right?).  Perhaps you've heard of it?  I was actually referring more to the classic Bill Murray film, 'Groundhog Day' in which Murray plays a TV reporter doomed to repeat the same day over and over again.

I bring this up for two reasons.  Number one being today is Groundhog Day so #DaddyWrite needs to acknowledge it.  Number two being that I flat out wanted something to write about which is easier said than done some days.  You see, part of being a stay-at-home dad is feeling like poor Bill Murray during his time in Punxsutawney, PA.  It feels like that has been more true than normal this week especially when taking Ellie's massive mood swings into account.

Part of Ellie's days lately have included at least one massive meltdown a day.  Not exactly enjoyable for yours truly but it comes along with the territory.  Unfortunately for me, Ellie was really into the 'Groundhog Day' spirit today and chose to bless me with her own interpretation of the film.  That being said, she didn't really understand that in the movie, every day is the same.  In her version, roughly every three hours was the same.

Since Ellie's been so off-schedule lately, I decided that today should really be about making certain that I get her back on track.  So that meant no leaving the house today.  She needed to nap on time, eat on time, and get her diapers changed on time.  Of course, I assumed that no issues would arise until after Ellie's first nap of the day.  Oh, how mistaken I was.  Ellie actually broke down in tears as Bethany said goodbye for the day.  Once I finally had calmed her, I put her down for a nap and was pleasantly surprised by how well she slept.  

When Ellie finally awoke around 10:30, I was dismayed to find her picking up right where she had left off.  That is, with more epic screaming.  Food and a diaper change only would help slightly as she would basically fuss nonstop for two hours plus until the next nap.  Once she awoke, the cycle would repeat itself again.  Food and diaper change met with additional screams.  Finally, I decided that it was time to resort to drastic measures.  Her naps in the swing weren't cutting it and she needed a quality nap (meaning one where she is absolutely still).  The only way to ensure this happened was to place her in a bed next to me and literally hold her (always moving) legs and arms down so that she could actually fall asleep.  Never a fun proposition but it worked.  Once Ellie awoke, her disposition had changed completely.  She was smiling and giggling nonstop, even in spite of a brief barfing episode all over my shirt/face.  

You see, just like Phil in 'Groundhog Day', Ellie had grown throughout the day.  She had gone from one extremely grouchy baby to one that absolutely loved life in the span of one day.  The true question is will she, like Phil, remember this life lesson tomorrow?  Or more likely, will she resort to her natural baby programming and scream at me some more?  Either way, I'll love her regardless.

P.S. - Thanks for inspiring me, Bill Murray.  I literally would have had nothing to write about today without you.  #DaddyWrite

I'm alright. Nobody worry 'bout me.

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