Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Day 128 - Ellie, Maybe Next Time You'll Hide and I'll Seek

I've always enjoyed being away from home.  There's something awesome about going somewhere and seeing new things.  From the mountains to the prairies to the oceans white with foam, I love to see it all.  And yes, I might have just ripped off 'God Bless America'.  It seemed applicable in this case.  The lone issue with being away from home is that it's only a matter of time until homesickness will set in.  That being said, I might not always be the one getting homesick.  That might be reserved for other people, or in the case of Ellie, another baby.  

A little background.  I spent the weekend away at a men's retreat with my church, leaving on Friday and returning on Sunday.  I've spent nights away from home since Ellie's been born, but never more than one without her along.  Now, I figured that I'd get packed and out the door on Friday without any issues.  That was not to be as Ellie's "Spidey sense" started tingling as she knew something was amiss.  In fact, she would basically break down right around the time I was leaving.  Without recourse , I went ahead and left as planned knowing that Ellie was in good hands.

Once I returned home on Sunday afternoon, it was absolutely evident just how much she had missed me.  I practically couldn't even get out of her sight without her frantically searching for me.  Who knew that all I had to do to confirm that she does love me is abandon her with her mom and grandma for a couple of days?  Honestly though, I figured that she'd be back to her normal self today and wouldn't really be looking to cling to me so tightly.  Simply put, I was pretty wrong about that as she didn't want me out of sight unless she was fast asleep.  So, of course, I was going to find a fun way to take advantage of that.  

Today following Ellie's lunch, I did the proper paternal thing and took her upstairs to change her diaper before setting her down on the floor where she could play in her bedroom.  Pretty quickly I noticed that she would follow me around her room anytime I made a move.  Knowing this, I decided to engage her in a little game.  First, I got down on all fours and backed out of her room into the hallway, obstructing myself with the wall and door.  To ensure that Ellie didn't begin crying, I occasionally peeked around the door so that Ellie could see I was still there.  It didn't take long before Ellie came wandering into the hallway after me.  

Once she entered the hallway, I realized that I had a fun little game of hide-and-seek on my hands.  I quickly backtracked to the end of the hallway taking up residence right outside our guest room.  At this point, I believe that Ellie realized exactly what the game was as she would come hustling down the hall only to get momentarily sidetrack by a door stopper (Boing boing boing).  I then ducked into our guest room hurtling over the bed to hide from our mobile baby.  Peeking over the top of the bed, I was able to see Ellie happily wandering around the corner into the guest room.  She would then be distracted by our desk as she began pulling stacks of 'Thank You' cards off and rearranging them on the floor in her own particular fashion.  

Once she completed her task, she began looking around to discern where I had gone.  With that, I would peek around the edge of the bed so that Ellie could see me.  With that, a laugh erupted from her tiny mouth and she came shuffling around the bed.  I quickly grabbed her and began throwing her up into the air and catching her.  Once she tired of being tossed up and down, I sat her back down where she just sat near me continually touching my face as if to say, "I'm glad you're home, Daddy.  Please don't leave me again."  Of course to that all I can say is, "I won't leave you for a while.  And when I do, I'll always come back."  

So in other words, the exact same thing I tell her mother every time I'm away from home.  Per the old saying, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.  #DaddyWrite

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