Thursday, December 29, 2016

Day 87 - Laugh it up!

When Bethany and I first found out that we were having a daughter, two thoughts ran through my mind initially.  Number one being, "Good, now we don't have to try to come up with a boy's name anymore."  We're still struggling through trying to come up with one for the future (not immediate) in case you're wondering.  Number two was, "What on earth am I going to do with a baby girl?  I don't know anything about little girls."  One of my concerns was actually whether or not I would have the ability to bond with her.  I wasn't worried about early on because babies are cute.  You just feed them, water them, brush their hair, clean up after them.  You know, just like you would a puppy (also cute).  As she gets older though, I do tend to worry about that at times so I make certain now to enjoy all of the little things now.

Normally, Ellie tends to gravitate towards being a momma's girl.  Obviously, I have no comparison as to whether that's normal or not so I'm ok with it.  That being said, there are times where a little bit of jealously can kick in as a result of that.  Several examples.  Bethany was the person who actually got to give Ellie her first bath and also feed her solid food (the solid food actually happened this week).  Now, while those were fun experiences to sit and watch, I did feel pangs of jealously that I didn't get to be a bigger part of the first time.  Now on the flip side, I was there for the first time Ellie rolled over and several other things that just aren't coming to me right now which made Bethany a little jealous.  The truth is that Ellie maintains a different relationship with each of us.  Bethany is the one that she wants when she's upset or needs comforting.  I'm the one that she often seems to want when it's time to play.

Tonight was one of those instances where Ellie sought out play time and sought it out in the best way ever.  While Bethany and I were eating our own dinner, Bethany was intermittently giving Ellie spoonfuls of rice cereal.  Now I'd be lying if I said if looked tasty but this was the first night that Ellie seemed to really enjoy it.  She'd happily eat up any that Bethany offered up.  Once the meal was completed, we gave her a cold teething toy for her to enjoy while we cleaned up.  Shortly thereafter, Ellie would throw her toy onto the kitchen floor from her position atop her high chair.  I went and sat down beside her and teased her by happily declaring, "Uh oh."  That was immediately met with high pitched giggling from our daughter.  I continued to say "Uh oh" in the same happy tone, being met with Ellie's giggling until both Bethany and I were laughing hysterically and basically hyperventilating from a lack of oxygen.  Once we recovered, Bethany tried to make Ellie laugh in the same fashion only to be met with a confused glance.  I then attempted to do the exact same thing to be met with the same excited laughter again and again.

I think the moral of the story is to realize that I at least have a role in my daughter's life in this current stage.  Change the diapers and feed her during the day.  Then when her mommy gets home at night, she takes over that kind of stuff and I just get to play!  :)

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