Monday, December 5, 2016

Day 72 - Ready, Set, Go...away.

So, I know that the whole concept of #DaddyWrite is that Ellie's the star and I am a simple co-pilot along for the ride.  Realistically no one cares what I have to say about myself, right?  It's all about the cute baby and her experiences being taken care of by me while her mommy is away at work each day.  #MissingMommy?  Well, there are times when I am going to veer slightly off target and away from that mission statement.  Why, you may ask?  Well, because part of being a dad, a stay-at-home dad to boot, is to basically keep yourself mentally healthy by any means necessary.  To me, that means making sure I'm staying engaged with my daughter which normally results in me saying (or singing) a lot of silly things to her.  Still, there are times when being at home all day (every day) with a baby can be a bit much.  Those are the times when baby-free adventures are required.  Luckily for me, Bethany and I had the opportunity to take part in one such baby-free adventure this weekend.

Seems clear to me.

On Friday evening, Bethany's work hosted their annual Christmas party extravaganza.  I'm talking fancy meal, dancing, dress clothes (suit and tie even), the whole nine yards.  Now, if you know me well at all, it is extremely unlikely that I'm ever sporting anything other than a t-shirt and jeans.  Ok, I may occasionally bust out a button-up shirt for church but that's about it.  So you know it's a nice shin-dig if I'm dressing up is the point that I'm trying to make here.  Now, you're probably thinking, "Uh, what'd you do with the baby?".  Well, simple.  We called in reinforcements in the form of our friends, Tabi and Malachi, to be on baby duty for the night.  See, simple solution for everyone.  :)  

So, after Bethany and I were dressed and ready to go, we hopped in the car, and headed downtown.  This even had always been held at the Sheraton Hotel in the past but was being held in a new location this year; the Midland Theater.  Not a movie theater, but a fancy-to-do concert hall.  I'm talking busts of angels and gargoyles everywhere.  Fancy ceilings with Cistine Chapel-like paintings (including one that looks an awful lot like one angel backhanding another angel).  To put it simply, ornate across the board.  When we arrived, the first thing we do is get our formal picture taken in front of the golden rain background by the nice man in the red blazer.  Of course, I will "Earl Hickey" (the act of closing my eyes) in pictures from time-to-time, so the poor guy had to take seven shots.  Perhaps, the company was paying him per picture.  I don't know.  

Random tidbit...this is a tribute to 'Forrest Gump'

Following that, we headed inside of meet up at a table with some of Bethany's work friends.  Now, I actually always enjoy these events.  Not only do I get a chance to spend time with some of my wife's close friends (I like them as well), but we get a good meal to boot.  Prime rib, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad.  All tasty.  Now, the music for the evening was to be provided by the group ranked as the #1 wedding band in the city by Yelp.  Needless to say, expectations were high.  By the time the group finished their first song, I came to a two-pronged realization.  Number one, KC must not have very many wedding bands if this one was the best.  In fact, I'm pretty sure that they permanently ruined 'ABC' by the Jackson Five for me.  Number two, I really should have brought my ear plugs because the volume was turned so loud I thought my ears would never cease ringing (Get off my lawn?).  Side note, I don't actually know the name of this band so I'm just going to call them, um, call them 'The Rowdy Burns Experience' (If you get that reference, please let me know because you're officially awesome).  

Don't worry Adam. You're still the greatest wedding singer ever.

After four hours of fun, we were officially ready to get home and check on our baby.  Of course, she couldn't have been in better hands.  Tabi and Malachi had held her, played with her, and watched 'Star Trek' with her until she fell asleep.  Bethany and I were officially thankful for having such close friends that we could ask them to watch our baby (and our Netflix) without even feeling guilty about it.  Sometimes, a night out is all you need to just refresh, recharge, and get ready for another week of child rearing activities.  #DaddyWrite

See, even Capt. Kirk needs some time sans baby.

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