Thursday, December 29, 2016

Day 87 - Laugh it up!

When Bethany and I first found out that we were having a daughter, two thoughts ran through my mind initially.  Number one being, "Good, now we don't have to try to come up with a boy's name anymore."  We're still struggling through trying to come up with one for the future (not immediate) in case you're wondering.  Number two was, "What on earth am I going to do with a baby girl?  I don't know anything about little girls."  One of my concerns was actually whether or not I would have the ability to bond with her.  I wasn't worried about early on because babies are cute.  You just feed them, water them, brush their hair, clean up after them.  You know, just like you would a puppy (also cute).  As she gets older though, I do tend to worry about that at times so I make certain now to enjoy all of the little things now.

Normally, Ellie tends to gravitate towards being a momma's girl.  Obviously, I have no comparison as to whether that's normal or not so I'm ok with it.  That being said, there are times where a little bit of jealously can kick in as a result of that.  Several examples.  Bethany was the person who actually got to give Ellie her first bath and also feed her solid food (the solid food actually happened this week).  Now, while those were fun experiences to sit and watch, I did feel pangs of jealously that I didn't get to be a bigger part of the first time.  Now on the flip side, I was there for the first time Ellie rolled over and several other things that just aren't coming to me right now which made Bethany a little jealous.  The truth is that Ellie maintains a different relationship with each of us.  Bethany is the one that she wants when she's upset or needs comforting.  I'm the one that she often seems to want when it's time to play.

Tonight was one of those instances where Ellie sought out play time and sought it out in the best way ever.  While Bethany and I were eating our own dinner, Bethany was intermittently giving Ellie spoonfuls of rice cereal.  Now I'd be lying if I said if looked tasty but this was the first night that Ellie seemed to really enjoy it.  She'd happily eat up any that Bethany offered up.  Once the meal was completed, we gave her a cold teething toy for her to enjoy while we cleaned up.  Shortly thereafter, Ellie would throw her toy onto the kitchen floor from her position atop her high chair.  I went and sat down beside her and teased her by happily declaring, "Uh oh."  That was immediately met with high pitched giggling from our daughter.  I continued to say "Uh oh" in the same happy tone, being met with Ellie's giggling until both Bethany and I were laughing hysterically and basically hyperventilating from a lack of oxygen.  Once we recovered, Bethany tried to make Ellie laugh in the same fashion only to be met with a confused glance.  I then attempted to do the exact same thing to be met with the same excited laughter again and again.

I think the moral of the story is to realize that I at least have a role in my daughter's life in this current stage.  Change the diapers and feed her during the day.  Then when her mommy gets home at night, she takes over that kind of stuff and I just get to play!  :)

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Day 85 - #MommyWrite

Something that I always find interesting is how as we get older, our tastes tend to change in many different ways.  For example, when I was younger, I used to abhor biscuits and gravy.  Sure, I love a good biscuit.  I mean, who doesn't?  It was the gravy that gave me pause.  Something about it just seemed so weird.  Where was the protein?  The vegetables?  The fruit?  I felt like I was just eating a puddle of white goop with a bunch of pepper added.  "What's that Mom?  You're having biscuits and gravy for dinner?  Would you fix me a can of Spaghettio's instead?  Thanks!"  Fortunately as I grew older, I became more willing to try new things.  Either I became more bold or someone planked it down in front of me and I didn't want to be rude.  In case you're wondering, the latter is how I discovered the deliciousness that is biscuits and gravy (Thanks Luke!).

MMM, Biscuits and Gravy

Another way that my tastes have changed just in the past few months at home is that I've become a big fan of documentaries.  I like the fact that I don't find myself binge-watching and there is normally a decent stopping point somewhere in the course of it where I can hit the pause button and step away for a while.  I especially love the ' 30 For 30' series.  Since so many of them are on Netflix, I feel like I can always find something new and interesting to watch and learn about.  The one thing about the '30 For 30' series that does bother me is that they are generally one-sided.  There is a clear protagonist and antagonist in the way it is presented despite it not being fiction.  Whenever the final credits roll, I find myself immediately Googling the other side to see if I can find any information pertaining to the story from their point of view.  For example, I'm almost positive that the Russians saw the "Miracle on Ice" U.S. Hockey team as the Galactic Empire whereas they were the Rebel Alliance in our eyes (RIP Carrie Fisher).  I can at least guarantee that they didn't give them a standing ovation like they did for Rocky.

Pretty sure this is the second time this week I've mentioned Soviet Russia in a blog. Wonder if that's a problem.

That's the thing about having a point of view; everyone has one and they are entitled to it.  One thing about #DaddyWrite is that it is fairly one-sided.  Seeing as how Ellie has no verbal ability to share her feelings, she's not really going to be able to assist in making things less one-sided.  However, there is another source that can.  It's Bethany!  After I recently wrote a blog post baring some things that I was struggling with in regards to being a dad, Bethany has been contemplating some of those same issues (and more).  In fact, she finally asked last night if she could share some of her thoughts on my blog.  Since she's my wife and I have to be nice, I couldn't just say, "No, go get your own blog." (jk).  So, it is with great fanfare that I present the inaugural post of #MommyWrite!

"Is she a good baby? This is a question I am frequently asked and honestly the one I hate the most. What makes a baby a good baby vs a bad baby? My sweet little girl is not an easy baby by any means. Does this make her a bad baby? Not at all! Yes she may drive me to tears because I don't know how to help her.  She may cause us to lay in bed at night listening to her scream because there is nothing else we can do for her. She may make me wish she was more laid back like her cousin. She may cause me to be so physically and emotionally exhausted that I question how much more I can take. BUT she is still not a bad baby. She may be a high strung, difficult and often frustrating little girl but she is my little girl and I wouldn't trade her for anything. So is she a good baby? Yes she is a good sweet little girl but that doesn't mean she is easy. "

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Day 83 - Baby Meets Decorations (and Trash)

It's coming!  It's coming!  It's almost here!  Ellie, do you know what I'm talking about?  Well, yes, I guess you're right.  Given the context, I could very well be talking about your next bowel movement; massive in quantity and odorous in smell.  Instead, I'm talking about Christmas.  Your first Christmas, I might add.  While I'm always a huge fan of the Christmas season, this one in particular has been a little harder to get in the spirit.  Something, something, newborn, something.  In all reality, we still found ourselves decorating for the holidays as recently as Tuesday night of this week.  At that point though, the decor isn't for show.  It's more for our own enjoyment as we strive to get in the Christmas spirit.  The highlight of those decorations has been watching Ellie take note of each of them and interact with them accordingly.

First thing today that Ellie chose to cultivate a relationship with was our Christmas tree.  I already detailed in great, well, great detail her initial reactions to it.  It has become one of her favorite places in our house to be though.  She absolutely adores looking up at the lights twinkling on it, especially if our overhead lights are turned off and the room is otherwise dark.  This morning, as we were playing on the floor with her standing and jumping on my copious Christmas belly, she began to reach towards the tree.  Quickly taking note that there were no ornaments near, I went ahead and let her do so.  Imagine my surprise when she immediately pulled a hook out of seemingly nowhere.  Obviously I had to act quickly lest my sweet baby end up looking like a freshly-caught Christmas catfish (Family tradition, don't ask).  Once the hook was out of the way, I let her go back to feeling her branch of choice until she lost interest as an infant is wont to do.

The culprit...

Second thing that Ellie chose to take note of today was a small pair of empty juice bottles.  Ellie has reached the age where even though she has a multitude of toys at her disposal, our trash is much more interesting.  I think the reasons are two-fold.  Number one simply being, "This feels kind of cool and I want to play with it."  Number two being, "I don't know if I'm supposed to have this.  Now I want it even more."  Obviously I saw no issue with her playing with these so I took great enjoyment in setting them up in different fashions so that she could practice her mad kung-fu skills.

The final thing that Ellie discovered today requires a bit more explanation.  Since I was about 12, one Christmas decoration has become a staple wherever I lived; an animatronic Mickey Mouse in a Santa suit.  Watching him slowly twirl his arms and twist his head whilst waving his giant candy cane (no innuendo meant) around has become one of my favorite parts of the season.  As I stood my daughter in front of Mickey/Santa, she was immediately captivated by his big smile, equally big ears, but mostly by his big candy cane.  She continually attempted to grab it but I held her to a look but don't touch policy.

So, I may have lied slightly.  I said that Santa Mickey was the final thing but that's not entirely true.  The last thing that Ellie discovered really didn't maintain her interest but I still found importance in the introduction of it.  That being a nativity scene taking up residence on our coffee table.  I sat down cross-legged in front of it with Ellie on my lap and proceeded to explain the significance of what she was seeing.  Now obviously she didn't understand what I was saying, but I want to get in the habit of making this a part of the Christmas season for her.  She needs to know that it's not about the tree.  Not about the presents.  Not even about Santa Mickey (tear).  It's all about the birth of Jesus which is important considering what comes later; the death of Jesus on a cross where He sacrificed himself for our sins.  I believe that's the ultimate reason for the season and I want her to come to know that more than anything as the Christmas seasons go by.  

If I don't get a chance to blog tomorrow, to all of the people who have supported me over the past half year, thank you to each of you and have a Merry Christmas!  And well, if you didn't support me, then uh, I guess have a Merry Christmas too.  #DaddyWrite

Merry Christmas from the Holts! - Photos taken by Callie Higgins Photography

Monday, December 19, 2016

Day 80 - Gotta Shed That Baby Weight Somehow...

I hate cold.  I really hate cold.  I hate cold so much that it's unbelievably wrong to hate something so much.  Ok, that more or less describes my feelings about cold.  This past weekend, KC was host to some pretty epic wintery conditions between the freezing rain, snow, and the subzero temperatures.  Needless to say, it has somewhat impacted my ability to get outside.  Now, I find myself suffering from a bit of cabin fever today.  If it was just me, myself, and I, then I probably would have taken the opportunity to escape the house for a little bit since the main roads are all good now.  However, that it not meant to be.  Why not?  #BecauseTheBaby.  So, of course, I find myself trying to come up with ways to entertain/educate myself and now I want to share some of my findings.

Insert token 'Frozen' reference here....

Since we reached November and December, my ability to get outside and exercise during the course of the day has been somewhat hampered.  Originally it was just the normal cooling off of weather conditions and me not really wanting Ellie to be exposed to certain elements for too long.  Now, it's more due to the drastic inability to push our stroller through snow and ice and maintain my footing.  I can just picture it now.  Me walking along just gazing up at birds flying overhead, whistling "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah" while pushing Ellie down the sidewalk.  All of a sudden, my feet fly out from under me as I fall forward onto snow and ice.  The perpetual motion of my fall and the stroller's wheels propelling Ellie forward at speeds unimaginable to places unseen as I groan and lie in agony, nursing my hypothetical head injury.

Man, this lady's going to fall on her face and there's not even any ice or snow...

Now, obviously this is not likely to happen if for no other reason than I would likely need a set of snow shoes for myself and a way to mount skis to Ellie's stroller in order to make it up and down the sidewalks.  It's important to make certain that I'm keeping poor Ellie safe and sound though so the walking idea is out.  But it's important to note that this "dad bod" doesn't come naturally.  I've got to work at it, clearly.  ;)  So, I did a little research to find out exercises to do with the baby to go along with what I've already been doing which is pretty much a dumbbell press and a kettle ball squat lift.  Only instead of the weights in question, I make do with a baby.  So, my discoveries are as follows.
  • ·         Baby crunches - While laying on the ground, place Ellie sitting on my stomach, and proceed to do crunches fifteen to twenty times.  No one enjoys crunches to begin with but maybe it helps a little with a cute baby laughing in your face every time you sit up
  • ·         Baby overhead press - Sit 'Indian style' and hold Ellie vertically out in front of me.  Lift her up and down ten times.  I already tended to do this one just because she likes it so I'm stoked to find out it's mildly considered exercise.
  • ·         Plies - I don't know what this is and was actually more confused after reading about it.  So, uh, yeah.  I'm going to skip this one.
  • ·         Lunge - Instead of the baby lunging at my face as she likes to do, I lunge with the baby.  There's a Yakov Smirnov joke in there somewhere; some assembly may be required to mine it.
  • ·         Baby Dancing - Gently swaying back and forth with the baby.  There's got to be something to spice it up though.  Perhaps the Chicken Dance or the Electric Slide?

Think Ellie could do "The Carlton" yet?

Now, these seem to all be legitimate methods I could use to work out with the baby.  However, I feel like it may discredit me a bit to admit the true source of my reference.  But hey, whenever you choose to Google, that's how you end up finding articles along the lines of '8 New-Mom Workout Moves to Do With Baby'.  Men can use those too, right?  #DaddyWrite

In Soviet Russia, baby lunges at you...