Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Day 332 - Daddy Versus the DMV

I could write a hook today. In fact, it'd probably be a very good hook. Possibly even the best hook ever. However, I feel the title of this blog post simply belays the need for a hook. After all, we're all familiar with the DMV and how going there can be one of the worst experiences on earth so let's dive right in. 

As you likely already know, my old RAV4 was totaled in an accident back in December. A week later, we found and purchased a 2013 RAV4 and that pretty much catches you up on the current state of affairs. 

Here we are a month later and while everything regarding the car is great, there has been one small issue; namely the lack of title in our possession. Now, don't worry about me getting pegged for stealing the car or anything as I do have proof of ownership hanging out in my glovebox. The problem is that my temporary license tags have expired and I've begun to accumulate fines for not having paid my sales tax or having the car properly licensed.

Obviously, I've been blowing up the phone lines over the past couple of weeks trying to figure out the status on my title. Today, I finally got the answer I'd been looking for with the news that my title was at the dealership in St. Joseph. So, even though it was supposed to be sent to me via overnight mail last Wednesday (not going into that), I decided to take matters into my own hands, load up Ellie, and head north.

While I used to make driving with Ellie a staple of everyday life, that has kind of faded into oblivion as she's gotten older. Therefore, it was definitely a slight shock to my system to see that instead of falling asleep in the car, Ellie instead chose to "sing" aloud to the radio all the way to St. Joseph and back. Just goes to further show how fast she's growing up that she doesn't feel the urge to sleep in the car anymore. 

Upon arriving at the dealer in St. Joseph, I extracted Ellie from her car seat (after putting her shoes and socks back on, of course) and headed inside to the front desk. Upon our arrival, I chose to set Ellie down on the ground as I talked with the attendant. Normally when I do this, she tends to just patiently look around until it's time to leave. That would not be the case today as she instead chose to position herself between me and the desk. 

With her back facing the desk, she proceeded to push all of the weight into my legs until I finally had to step back. At that point, I looked down at Ellie to see her raising her arms aloft signifying her desire to be picked up. Rather than risk a meltdown in a public setting, I picked Ellie up and held her in my left arm while still having to sign documents releasing the title to me with my right hand.

Once I finally had the title in my grasp, I loaded Ellie back up in the car and drove the two blocks over to the St. Joseph License Bureau to get my car licensed. Although I was able to procure a spot close to the door (after it was vacated by a gentleman who it's possible should not be driving an automobile), I first chose to peek in the window before removing Ellie from her car seat. Wise decision as there were close to 30 people seated in the waiting area awaiting help. With that knowledge in hand, I chose to hop back in the RAV4 to instead head back to Kansas City and specifically the Parkville License Bureau.

When we arrived at our destination, I sat in the car for a moment to make certain I had all of the documentation necessary to license my car before getting Ellie out in the rain and snow. Once I confirmed all was good, then it was time to let Ellie out. Of course, I couldn't just remove her and be good to go. I first had to shove her wildly dancing feet back inside her socks and shoes. Once that was done, I sat Ellie down on her feet in the parking lot where she began screeching happily (to the legitimate joy of the guy applying expiration stickers to his plates a few spots over) and we walked inside the office together.

Upon entering the office with my folder of documents in one hand and holding Ellie's hand with the other, I quickly scanned the multitude of lines until I found my rightful spot in vehicle titling. As Ellie and I took our spot in line, she immediately asked me to be lifted up so that she could see better. Then, she spent our ten minute wait pointing to everything of value in the office and providing an explanation for the intrinsic value of said item. Finally, it was our turn.

I approached the counter and sat Ellie down at my feet. It didn't take 30 seconds before she began pushing me away from the counter just as she had at the dealership. Finally, I gave in and picked her up again so that she could engage with Shawnda (remember that name) in their own conversation. Finally, after five minutes (and multiple shufflings of my daughter from left arm-to-right arm), the job was done and Ellie and I headed out the door to go home. Pretty easy if I do say so myself.

At least I thought the job was done. Fast forward an hour and I receive a phone call from an unknown number. Normally I just ignore calls like these and let them go to voicemail. For some weird reason though, I felt compelled to answer. So answer I did (my responses are in bold).
Mrs. Holt?
Um, this is Mr. Holt.
My apologies. This is Shawnda at the Parkville License Bureau. Do you happen to still have your title in your possession?
If so, it's in a folder in my car. I'll check. Uh yes, I do.
We're going to need that back. Can you bring it to our office tonight before close?
Yes, I can do that.
As you can see, my time at the DMV was not yet finished. However, instead of dragging Ellie along on the trip again, I waited until Bethany would arrive at home so that I go by myself. I mean, I can't be certain it wasn't Ellie's fault for the mistake to begin with. After all, you can't sit there in your daddy's arms and regale office workers with anecdotes about their stapler and expect the job to be completed to perfection. That's just not how things work, Ellie! #DaddyWrite

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