Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Day 329 - Baby's First Snowcapades

Remember last week how I found myself complaining about how it's cold outside and I'm stuck inside going crazy? I still find myself feeling that way to start off another week. Alas, there is an end in sight! A simple peek at the handy, dandy WeatherBug app on my phone confirms as much. Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself.

Wasn't lying

So, while the warmer weather is indeed coming, I still find myself destined to spend the rest of Tuesday looking out the window at the sun shining, knowing that "the cake is a lie". What's that, you didn't understand that reference about the cake? Ok, hailing from one of the funniest video games ever, it essentially means that your promised reward is merely a fictitious motivator. And yes, that definition was lifted straight from the annals of UrbanDictionary.com. 

However, it's not all bad. You see, despite the fierce chills of the outdoors keeping Ellie and me locked up in the house, I have recent good memories of being outside to look back on to bring me peace. Join me now in a #DaddyWrite flashback. We're not going too far back though; only to Sunday afternoon and Ellie's first time playing in the snow.

Now, I realize you might be ready to judge Bethany and I for not letting our daughter play in the snow before now. It's not that we didn't want her to play in the snow so much as it just wasn't feasible for her to do so before now. Last winter she was only six months old and barely crawling so it really would not have been enjoyable for her or us. Different story this year for a multitude of reasons, first among them being the fact that Ellie is a very active eighteen-month-old little girl. 

More important than that is the fact that we actually planned ahead for this exact instance and had all of the warm weather gear we needed for Ellie to play outside and remain warm in doing so. In the spirit of Jonny Gomes, I say the following.


Taking all of that into account, coupled with the fact that our driveway needed to be shoveled and that temperatures were relatively mild, there was no time like the present for a family outing in the snow. So, with that, we set about corralling the baby (easier said than done) and then dressed her accordingly. First came the snow pants which, of course, had to be rolled at the bottom so that Ellie could actually walk. Then came the winter coat, followed by the hat and gloves. The final step was to set Ellie on Bethany's lap so that her feet could gently be shoved into her snow boots.

Just like 'A Christmas Story' right?

As soon as Ellie was completely zipped up, hooded, and otherwise shielded from the elements, we opened the garage door and headed outside for some family bonding in the snow. The initial sight of snow definitely provoked some caution in Ellie. That faded soon enough though when she wandered into the yard from the driveway and began playing in the actual drifted areas. It also helped that I was literally throwing shovels of snow into the air where it would gently sprinkle her on its way down. Before we would head back inside, Ellie was nice enough to help me finish scooping the driveway just as she assisted me with raking in the fall.

Honestly, it continues to amaze me how the simplest things I've come to take for granted seem brand new again when looking at it through the eyes of Ellie. Just to see the curiosity and enjoyment she shows is awesome. It honestly makes me excited to see her discover other fun winter activities in the future. You know, like sledding, snowball fights, licking frozen flag poles, and building an igloo.

Ok, on second thought, maybe we should leave out one of those. I'll let you decide which one that is. #DaddyWrite

MMM, frost.

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