Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Day 324 - Barking Babies Amid Calendar Chaos (Day 322, Part II)

I remember how in the days pre-Ellie, it was relatively easy for me to go out and remain totally anonymous. Slinking in and out of crowds without drawing attention to myself really could be second nature. Now, if I actually wanted people to take note of me, all I had to do was be my naturally loud and obnoxious self. Easy enough, right? 

In case you're wondering, it was even pretty easy for me to dart in and out of places at will when Ellie was really little. Just close up the carrier with her fast asleep inside and no one would be any the wiser. Now that Ellie is mobile and has her own little personality to boot, those days are long gone. Need an example? Ok, I'd be happy to oblige.

The day is Friday afternoon. And yes, the reason I am blogging about something from Friday afternoon is because absolutely nothing of interest has happened in the past two days. That is, unless you find story time at the library, trips to Sam's Club, or Ellie being frightened of the guy installing a furnace humidifier to be super interesting.

Who is this guy, Dad, and why is he in our house?

Ok, back to Friday afternoon. Ellie and I had a very important mission that needed to be fulfilled ASAP. Our mission was to travel to Zona Rosa, infiltrate the Calendar and Games store, and obtain a new fidget spinner if possible. The reason for said mission you ask? Pretty much me being clumsy and dropping the old spinner on the kitchen floor several times resulting in multiple hairline cracks. Also, everything in the Calendar and Games store was 50% so there was no better time to check things out.

Upon arriving at the store, I did what I pretty much always do anymore; I sat my daughter down and held her hand as we walked the store. As we were wandering through the store, I suddenly felt a sharp pull at my right hand. Looking down, Ellie had become completely enthralled by an item on the shelf next to her. The item in question? A wall of calendars featuring dogs. Seriously, there was a calendar for every breed imaginable. Although, on second thought, I don't recall seeing one for the labradoodle. Probably sold-out.

Who wants to cuddle a labradoodle? Ooh, ooh, me!

Of course, Ellie becoming enthralled by a wall of dog calendars isn't necessarily a bad thing. I honestly love the fact that my daughter is so in love with animals (don't even get me started on her overwhelming obsession with cows). Where it got interesting was her reaction to the calendars. It wasn't just enough for her to stare at the pictures on the front. She had to make certain I was staring at the pictures along with her. 

Now, as you might guess, I became pretty bored after looking at dog calendars for about two minutes. Ellie's attention span, however, was much, much longer than mine and that just would not do. Once she realized I wasn't giving the wall of calendars the attention they apparently so rightly deserved, she decided to gain my attention by barking repeatedly at them. Oh, and when I say barking, I literally mean barking. People on all sides of the store began to make their way over to the dog calendars to peek around the corner to see the amazing barking baby in all her glory.

Finally after about ten minutes had passed, I was able to pry my daughter away from the wall of dog calendars. Maybe it was because she realized the pictures weren't living. However, it's probably more likely that I simply picked her up and carried her out of the store over my shoulder. I'll let you be the judge as to what actually happened there.

Oh, and if you're wondering, after all that, I didn't even buy a fidget spinner. Or a dog calendar. #DaddyWrite

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