Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Day 625 - What We Have Here is a Case of Mistaken Identity

The great thing about writing these little introductions for each and every blog post is that whenever I hit a case of writer's block, there is generally some movie that pertains to the topic at hand. Therefore, I can just somehow weave said movie into the narrative of the blog and make it all work out. I was initially going to use the sci-fi cult classic, 'Galaxy Quest' starring Tim Allen. However, after miniscule consideration, I decided instead to use 'Chuck'. 

'Chuck' if you are unaware is the story of a Nerd Herd employee (think Best Buy's Geek Squad) who unwittingly downloads the entirety of the CIA and NSA databases into his head. Early on in the series, there is the case of mistaken identity where both organizations think Chuck is a legitimate person of interest. They therefore send hitmen after him in order to protect their secrets. That brings us to today and our own little case of mistaken identity.

In order to get to the mistaken identity, I'll first tell you how we went to Crown Center to take in the free exhibit based upon yet another television series, "Clifford". And yes, I do mean the Big Red Dog. This exhibit, similar to ones that have preceded it, is a series of free activities designed to make children feel as if they are actually residents on Clifford's home of Birdwell Island. Between the slide made out of Clifford's tail, the mail delivery station, the restaurant/kitchen, and a life-sized ship, Ellie had a grand old time living out the adventures of one of her favorite TV characters. 

Once our fun began to wind down at Clifford's, I decided that it would be fun to take a stroll through The Link over to Union Station to check out the remodeled model train exhibit. With Ethan strapped to my chest and Ellie happily trotting alongside, we made the trek all the way to Union Station. Once there, we found our way to the model train area and wandered inside. 

The first thing we noticed is just how much things had changed. It used to be that right when one walked in, there was a set of long benches where one could sit and have a snack. At least that's what Ellie believed was the only purpose in going there. Well, you can imagine her surprise to see that the set of benches was now down to one. Unfortunately for Ellie, there was one more obstacle to be overcome before we could reach her bench. That being the large family of eight standing in our way.

Now, I should mention here that the large family didn't mean to be in our way. They were just enjoying the train display as anyone would. However, that didn't stop Ellie's nerves from kicking in. As she slipped away from me, I watched as she reached the middle of the family and began to panic. She frantically began searching for me. I should mention that I was actively trying to get to her. It just so happens that I wasn't quick enough. 

Before I could get close enough, Ellie saw an open hand and grabbed hold. At this moment, Ellie looked up at the owner of the hand at the same time he looked down. Despite the smiling face of a random grandpa looking down at her, Ellie began to freak out. She immediately let go and began turning frantically, searching for me. By this time, I had cut through the family and extended my hand for Ellie to grab hold of as we headed to the bench for snack time.

It should be mentioned that prior to doing so, the middle-aged gentleman and I exchange a knowing glance with some laughs over the case of mistaken identity. For the record, he assumed it was his grandson grabbing his hand. It was mistaken identity all around! #DaddyWrite

I absolutely have to include this photo in this blog post even though I forgot to write about it. I carried Ellie inside after our morning out and sat her down on the step before running out to the car to get Ethan. When I came back inside, this is what I found.

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