Sunday, June 16, 2019

Day 620 - Down a Number

I'm going to assume that most people are aware this weekend is Father's Day. The reason why I say most people is that I myself had no idea that was the case until sometime Thursday evening. I knew it was coming up but didn't know exactly when it was. Ironic seeing as how I am indeed a father. I'm even a father of two for the record.

There's certainly a stereotype of what people should be doing on Father's Day weekend. One should be grilling out. Or perhaps fishing. Maybe even taking in a baseball game. Lying in a hammock. All are good options. In House Holt, our plans for Father's Day weekend revolved around sending Ellie to Nebraska to visit her Papa and Grandma. Don't worry; she'll come home sometime Saturday.

For me, this was honestly a long time coming. Even though I love my daughter dearly, I feel like I was greatly in need of a break from her. Honestly, she was probably in need of a break from me as well as I feel like we've been a little at odds lately. If you asked me to guess why, my first (and likely only) guess would be Ethan. Since Bethany went back to work, I know it's more difficult for Ellie to get the 1:1 attention she craves since I need to cater to Ethan's every whim. Therefore, the best answer was to finally take Bethany's parents up on their offer from February to have Ellie come visit for a couple of days.

After dropping her off in Hiawatha on Thursday and returning home, I was pretty much immediately stricken by just how quiet things can be without a toddler running amuck. Of course, the lack of sound isn't the only difference. For the first time ever, I could actually lay Ethan down in the living room floor without him immediately having his loving sister in his personal space. He could wiggle and squirm to his little heart's delight without anyone getting in the way.

Ellie being absent actually resulted in a varying set of emotions for me. For one, I felt like I was able to really connect and spend 1:1 time with Ethan for the first time ever. While it's been just the two of us before, those times have always been fleeting and brief. Being able to interact with him and see his little personality shine through was definitely a blessing. I don't know that I've ever seen so many precious little smiles in such a short period of time.

The other set of emotions kind of surprised me. By about 9:00 pm on Thursday night, Bethany and I already found ourselves missing our daughter and wondering how things were going. Don't worry though as we were able to enjoy our time sans Ellie. On Friday night, we were able to go to dinner at Texas Roadhouse with just the two of us (and Ethan, too). After that, we were able to take in a free concert at Zona Rosa as well. That was kind of funny as about half of the people in attendance were friends from church. As you can probably guess, we continually received comments along the lines of "Aren't you missing someone?" or "Did you lose count?". 

Wanted posters are going up all over KC right now.

Even though it was really nice to spend a couple of days free from having Ellie around, I'm definitely excited to get her back home and can't wait to see if she missed us. For the record, my bet is that she'll admit to missing Bethany and Ethan but not me. #DaddyWrite

(Ed. note: I was right as she missed Bethany and Ethan but would never admit to missing me. Sad day.)

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