Monday, June 10, 2019

Day 616 - Masklophobia 101

In any child's life, there are always many important firsts that deserve to be documented. First steps, walking, rolling over, crawling, eating solid food. All of those are very important. However, they pale in comparison to a child's first Royals game.

Ok, so I may be overselling things a bit. In 2016 when Ellie attended her first game, there was definitely an aura of excitement as the fan base was still on fire from the back-to-back World Series appearances. Today, as the Royals are early in the process of rebuilding, it can be considered a good day at the ballpark if the boys in blue get three hits. Lucky for Ethan, he doesn't know if the Royals are good or not (spoiler: they're not). He's just happy he gets to experience the great outdoors and also gets to spend three hours strapped to his mommy. 

How I pine for those days...

Now, one thing you should know about Bethany and me is that it is unlikely we would decide to tackle taking both kids to a Royals game at this stage of life. Fortunately for us, it was DFA Employee Appreciation Day at "The K" meaning that our trip was free. In other words, if things went completely off the rails, we could simply retreat to the car and call it an early day. In my humble opinion, anything after the third inning would have been gravy!

I will say this was one of my more eventful trips to Kauffman Stadium and that's not because of the game either. For one, we spent a decent amount of our afternoon on the move around the stadium. While we had good seats out in front of the Hall of Fame in left field, the midday sun radiating over the heads of our children would chase us from those very seats by the middle of the third inning. 

Now, I realize the middle of the third inning seems like a very arbitrary time. However, there's a reason for that and his name is Sluggerrr. Yes, I am referring to the Royals' adorable anthromorpic lion mascot. During the fourth inning of every home Royals game, Sluggerrr makes his way to the outfield experience to meet his young fans. Well, it just so happens that Ellie fancies herself to be quite the fan of Sluggerrr. Therefore, Bethany and I wanted to do everything we could to make sure she met her fuzzy friend.

Knowing from experience that the line tends to grow out of control rather quickly, we rushed and found ourselves third in line. Between five and ten minutes of our arrival, Sluggerrr pulled up on his tiny yellow motorcycle to begin meeting fans. Before we knew it, Ellie's turn had come. As we began to walk towards Sluggerrr, Ellie was suddenly intimidated by the lion's height, choosing instead to abandon her place in line and run to the safe embrace of Bethany who had been standing off to the side with Ethan. Try as we might, we could not coax Ellie to give Sluggerrr another chance. With that, we headed back to the game to enjoy some more baseball action.

So fearsome...

Honestly the rest of the game was relatively uneventful as the Royals and White Sox traded hitless innings back and forth before we left during the eighth inning. The only highlights to be had were Bethany getting Ethan's first game certificate, Ellie and I enjoying a half-inning from the second row, and Ellie repeatedly whacking the lady sitting in front of us in the head on accident. Poor lady; all she wanted to do was knit. Who would have thought that a baseball game wouldn't be a good place to knit? #DaddyWrite

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