Thursday, June 20, 2019

Day 623 - Villain: Thy Name is Bread Machine

There are times when one has to be jealous of Ethan. Yes, he has no ability to talk, read, or write. Yes, it's true he has no concept of how to use a toilet or feed himself. He can't even sit upright on his own. However, he's still got it made in a lot of ways. He can pretty much nap whenever he wants. People are always ready to play with him and tell him how cute he is. He gets all of the hugs he can handle. He also gets carried anywhere he wants to go. Last but not least, he is loved by all and has no enemies. Actually, after making it through today, I'm not so certain about that last one.

First of all, I feel compelled to share that this was not my easiest day ever as a stay-at-home dad. In fact, just so you have a reference for how I felt about the day as a whole, look at the Homeland Security Advisory Scale and imagine me pointing to orange with a frown on my face. By the way, don't take me using that as a reference to be inconsiderate. It was just a nice way to get my point across.

I should actually install a Homeland Security Advisory Scale in my home as well.

I left at 5:26 in the morning to head to the gym with Ethan apparently deciding to start his day approximately five minutes later. Therefore, by the time I got back home, he had already been up for nearly an hour. If you don't know, Ethan being awake for an hour means that his mood can turn on a dime. Lucky for us though, he was pretty content and stayed awake until Bethany left at 7:00 for work. That's when I laid him down in his crib, shut the door, and expected not to hear from him for a few hours.

Unfortunately, that was not to be the case. One thing about having a baby and a toddler is that the toddler seemingly takes it as a personal challenge to wake the baby from any and every nap. At least that's how things seem to be with Ellie from time-to-time. By the time Ethan had been asleep an hour, she was running up and down the hall screaming in joy. Needless to say, the baby woke up and could not be persuaded to go back to sleep even though his nap is two or three times that length. It's ok though because that's one of the risks you run as a parent of two. I also couldn't be too angry because I knew we were only an hour or two away from the next nap. Unfortunately for me, I was wrong and the next nap ended in the same dramatic fashion.

At this point, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't irritated. Actually 'irritated' isn't the proper word for what I was feeling. I was instead feeling a mixture of emotions, ranging from anger all the way to apathy. Regardless of my emotions, the next couple of hours moved fast as my parents stopped in for a quick lunch. Once they took their leave around 1:00, I successfully put both kids down leaving me absolutely ecstatic. However, that wouldn't last.

Part of my duties as stay-at-home dad extraordinaire is to make certain dinner is prepared most evenings when Bethany gets home from work. The items on the menu on this occasion? Roast and homemade bread. Let me go off-topic here and just spend some time thinking about the wonders that is homemade bread. For my money, there is not much more pleasing in the world than a nice, warm slice of homemade bread. That's especially true when it's straight out of the bread machine. I'd be willing to bet there is no one in the world that hates homemade bread. Or at least I would have said that before today. 

You see, our bread machine has a slight shortcoming in its construction. For some reason, when the time comes for it to turn on, it radiates a loud, pulsating beep that rivals most alarm clocks. Unfortunately there is no way to silence said beep until the bread machine decides it's done making the noise. As the beep rang throughout the house, my nerves kicked in and my body tensed up. Finally, as the final beep echoed, I exhaled and listened for any signs of life from Ellie and Ethan. At first, there was nothing. Then, with precise comic timing, Ethan's shrill screams radiated from his bedroom leaving me with no alternative other than to rescue him from his crib.

Oh, in case you're wondering, the length of his nap was a paltry 30 minutes. In fact, Ethan would stay awake until almost 4:00 ensuring that the only amount of time I had to myself the entire "working" day was a grand total of 30 minutes. If that's not the textbook definition of defeat, I don't know what is. #DaddyWrite

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