Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Day 627 - Look Who's...Going to the Doctor Now

Does anyone else remember the late '80s/early '90s? I, for one, don't remember a ton about them outside of Full House and the Ninja Turtles. Likely because I was much too young. Never fear though as most of my gaps in knowledge about that time period have been filled in as time marched on.

One thing I do remember is how Hollywood's idea of how to make a sequel to a popular family movie revolved around adding extra kids or dogs. For example, look no further than the 'Look Who's Talking' series. It went from one baby to two babies to two kids and two talking dogs. In my experience, once talking dogs are added to a film series, returns tend to diminish. The lone example to that rule is probably 'Homeward Bound.' I do love me some 'Homeward Bound.'

I'm not crying; you're crying!

This hook seems accurate to me due to the fact that Monday marked a sequel of sorts for me as it was my first time taking Ethan to his doctor's appointment.  As you probably can guess though, it wasn't just Ethan I was taking to a doctor's appointment; it was Ellie too!

Now, I should probably add here that this scheduled appointment for both kids was scheduled to take place the day after we returned home from a four-day trip to Omaha with Bethany's family. It goes without saying that both kids were a little worn out before we even got to the doctor's office (Additional stories from that trip may appear at a later date). 

Allow me to take a brief second here to exalt the professional parenting tip Bethany gave me before this doctor's appointment. Pre-sign in. Seriously, you'll save yourself a huge headache by being able to avoid dragging two kids to the check-in desk only to return to the waiting room upon completion. Instead, your child can spend all of their time happily staring at the bubble wall until her name is called. 

With Ellie's history of being undersized as a baby, I feel like doctor's appointments are always mildly nervewracking. I never know if the kids will live up to doctor's expectations for their size or not. For Ellie, that's really no longer a concern as she's growing like a weed. However, there are other issues with her. For one, it can be rather difficult to convince her to stand still on a scale for the 8 seconds it takes to read. For another, it's an absolute impossibility to get her to let the nurse take her blood pressure. I still have no idea what her blood pressure is or should be. 

Following that little saga, it was time to get Ethan's length and weight. I know readers will be disappointed to hear that was a relatively uneventful process. He didn't urinate all over the scale or anything. After that, it was time to head back into the exam room and get ready for our doctor. Now, an important part of getting ready for the  doctor includes answering Ellie's question of when the doctor will come approximately 27 times. 

Once our doctor made his long-awaited appearance, Ellie developed a massive case of stage fright. Not only would she not talk to him or answer his questions, but she actually cowered in fear at the very back of the exam table. She was so far back that she was practically in the window well. Ironically, once her exam was finished and the doctor was onto Ethan, her disposition changed entirely. She began to dance around the room, talking 100 miles a minute. The one good thing about that is that our doctor knew I wasn't lying when I spoke of her propensity for speaking.

Oh yes, for the record, Ethan's doctor appointment went decently well. He finds himself in the 67th percentile for height which wasn't shocking in the least. However, he is only in the seventh percentile for weight. In other words, he's essentially following in Ellie's footsteps regarding his growth. 

The one good thing about Ethan's weight is that our doctor isn't particularly concerned given our family's history with small children. Well, small in weight; not so much in stature. #DaddyWrite

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