Thursday, May 31, 2018

Day 427 - Let Me Do It!!!

I find myself needing clarification on something. While it would probably make more sense for me to just ask people who are smarter than I am, I instead choose to just to write a blog and post it to the internet accordingly. Makes sense, right?

The first thing I need clarification on is when exactly do the Terrible Twos begin? I realize that the word 'two' is right there in the name. However, I'm wondering just how tightly we should cling to it. For example, is it possible that my precious daughter could be experiencing the so-called Terrible Twos without even being two yet? To that, I say inconceivable!

**checking definition**

Ok, I take that back. Ellie is definitely in the midst of the Terrible Twos.

While "defiant and unruly" may be a bit extreme, Ellie is definitely in the midst of phase centered around expressing her independence. What do I mean by that? Well, simply put, she is out to prove how little she needs Mommy and Daddy right now. After all, Ellie's a big girl and wants to do things by herself now.

For example, the easiest and most direct method to see Ellie's independence at work comes every morning during the 6:00 hour. I generally like to spend time talking with Bethany in the morning before she heads to work so during those times, it's perfectly normal for Ellie to disappear for periods of time. Upon her reappearance, it doesn't take long to realize something is missing. Namely, her pajamas.

I should play this song every time Ellie ditches her pajamas...

You see, Ellie has gotten into the habit of wanting to dress herself. The lone issue with this is that she isn't very good at it at all. For example, it's common to see her attempting to wear shirts as pants and vice versa. When the clothes don't work in this fashion, then rather than seek help, Ellie will instead seek out another shirt and pant combo only to repeat her same mistakes over again. I almost forgot to mention that most of Ellie's shirt and pant combos she creates should not be worn together in public. Not even by someone who's colorblind!

Now, like any parent, I don't really like to see my child struggle and I find myself overcome by an innate desire to be of assistance to her. The problem is that she doesn't really seem to want help from me or Bethany. 

From the moment I approach her or even hint at giving help, Ellie will take off running and screaming in the opposite direction. Normal toddler stuff, right? It goes further. If I really press the issue, everything escalates. She will begin to scream "Bye-bye" at me over and over in attempt to get me to leave her alone. If I don't take the hint there, it's only a matter of time before Ellie begins declaring "Leave!".

The final stage is for her to resort to crying, screaming, scratching, biting, and clawing in an attempt to get away from the situation. In other words, it's somewhat akin to the reaction of a cat anytime I've attempted to cut their claws. 

I will say that this situation isn't only rearing itself in the area of dressing. It can also be there in regards to sleeping, bath time, and meal time. If she's not getting to do these things alone, then she's not interested in doing them at all. Except for sleeping. Then she instead screams "floor" at me over and over until I finally lay down on the floor.

I feel better now that all of this is off my chest. After all, I wouldn't want people to think my daughter is raised by wolves. She's just a self-dressing, self-feeding, self-washing kind of little girl who also happens to be really bad at all three on occasion. #DaddyWrite

At least she's really good at building towers with Legos.

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