Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Day 426 - Circular Motion (in Swings and in Life)

Sometimes it's super easy to envy Ellie. She does have a pretty simple life after all. She gets at least one lengthy nap each day. There's the three meals each day in addition to a seemingly never-ending smorgasbord of snacks. Of course, I can't forget the whole lack of responsibility she gets to experience. Seriously, the only thing that is asked of her each day is to get a plate out of her drawer for herself before dinner. That and she sometimes gets silverware for Bethany and I as well.

Of course there are downfalls too. I can't imagine there are many out there hankering to wear a diaper and sit in their own filth. I know that's not high on the list of things I want to experience. Ellie doesn't always get to do exactly what she wants, when she wants. If she had her way, she'd probably spend 21 of the 24 hours of each day in her swing or at least outside. There's also the fact that Ellie lives in a world void of any kind of understanding of the complications of life.

For example, in our married life, Bethany and I have seen a veritable revolving door of friends both come into our lives and leave just like that. Don't worry, it wasn't anything we did. It's more a product of making friends with people who go to a seminary who possess the goal of eventually graduating. The good thing about Ellie's lack of understanding is that she has no idea anything will change. If anything, she's just living life one day at a time. Therefore, when we went to the park this evening for a going-away party for some friends, Ellie couldn't have been more excited.

To tell the truth, I couldn't have been more excited for her either. Let's face it; as a stay-at-home dad I probably don't do the best job in the world allowing my daughter to interact with other kids. Fortunately for both of us, this was something she actually got to do this evening. Therefore, after a short detour to 'Babies R Us' for some deep-discounted browsing, we headed to Barry Platte Park to meet up with the rest of the party. 

From the time we sat Ellie down on the ground and allowed her to run towards the jungle gym, it's safe to say she was in her own personal nirvana. And no, I don't mean the band; no 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' here. After a handful of trips up and down the slide, she found her way over to the toddler swings and was able to "convince" me to push her higher and higher. Finally after I tired of pushing her, Bethany had a new adventure for her.

Bethany picked up Ellie and carried her over to a tire swing to join in the festivities with a couple of other kids. After my wife sat Ellie down on the swing and encouraged her to hold on tight, I watched from afar as the three kids happily rode the swing around in a circular manner. Each time the swing changed direction, I could see the smile on Ellie's face become bigger and bigger. I still don't know if it's the tire swing or the playing with friends part that Ellie enjoyed more but it's obvious she was happy.

Just in case we needed more confirmation Ellie had fun, as soon as we got home, Ellie went straight to the tub for a quick sponge bath without a fight. Following that, she laid down in her crib after only two stories and proceeded to go to sleep without incident. If only every night could be that easy. 

I guess that means we just need to start taking Ellie to the park to play with kids every night. It doesn't really matter to her if we know them or not, right? #DaddyWrite

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