Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Day 431 - Voting Day Blues (and Cookies Too)

This has certainly been a busy day for little Miss Ellie thus far. However, as is true to form, the busiest days don't necessarily make for the most interesting blog posts. I mean, realistically, do I want to look back on yet another blog post 10 years from now chronicling a trip to Sam's Club and Sprout's. True, it might not be the worst subject in the world but why write about that when I can instead tackle the post that I neglected to write on Tuesday?

At least it is according to #DaddyWrite

As you can probably imagine, Ellie has a sweet tooth. While she's more than willing to bite into anything that contains sugar, there is one food that rises above all others in her heart. The food to which I am referring is the chocolate chip cookie. From the moment the first bite touches her lips, her cravings cannot be satisfied until all cookies are gone. Especially problematic if you've just baked a brand new batch. Needless to say, we don't really keep chocolate chip cookies readily available in our home. Therefore, whenever Ellie gets one, it's really a big deal.

Tuesday morning, we find ourselves sitting around not really doing much of anything. Then, an idea strikes me: I should get Ellie a cookie! Now, I should probably explain why this idea got in my head. You see, Tuesday was election day and at our local polling place, you get a free cookie after voting. So, now  you can see how the dots are connected in my head. To paraphrase the great Brian Regan, "Fill out whole ballot, get whole cookie. Fill out half ballot, get whole cookie." 

I seem to remember my joke being about snow cones and baseball...

Therefore, Ellie and I sat out on a grand adventure to Northland Cathedral to do our civic duty and much more importantly, get a free  cookie. With Ellie in her stroller and me pushing along behind, we wandered up North Oak until we finally reached our destination. Just to put into words how stoked I was about this voting experience, I literally can't tell you who or what I voted for a little over 24 hours later. After casting the ballot, Ellie and I finally took ownership of our precious chocolate chip cookie. Then, we took a seat in the lobby of the church, eating said cookie together, bite-by-bite, until finally, it was gone. 

With that, Ellie and I headed out of the building. Rather than head towards home, I instead turned south and walked around the building until we finally reached the playground. It was then that I released Ellie to do her thing while I sat back and relaxed. After about 20 minutes of playing, I told Ellie that she could finish swinging while I pulled the stroller around. As I did so, Ellie proceeded to hop down from the swing and followed me. 

Or at least she did so until she saw something situated near the baseball diamond approximately 100 yards away from us that required further examination. With that, she took off, sprinting across the grass as fast as her little legs could carry her. Uncertain what she was going for, I followed along, keeping a close distance. 

Finally, I realized the object of her curiosity. There it was, the majestic, the impressive, the unparalleled blue porta-potty. As she got closer though, she found herself feeling a little overwhelmed by all that said porta-potty had to offer. Perhaps it was that it looked bigger when close up rather than further away. Maybe it was the scent. Or maybe, just maybe it was the fact that porta-potties just aren't all that exciting, even if it was blue. Anyway, with that, Ellie turned and scampered all the way back to her waiting stroller, clambering inside, and promptly falling asleep before we even made it out of the church's parking lot.

I like to envision a dramatic spotlight shining down and illuminating this in young Ellie's eyes...

So as you can plainly see, Tuesday was indeed a big day for Ellie. Not only did she get to share a cookie with me and play on a playground, but she also got to experience the close-up majesty of a porta-potty. It's clearly the stuff dreams are made of. #DaddyWrite

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