Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Day 366 - How to Find a Ring in 7 Days

Based upon the title of this post, you should be able to ascertain two things. Number one, you obviously can't find a ring without first losing/misplacing said ring. Number two, I have seen 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days' hence me ripping it off for this post. For the record, outside of 'A Time to Kill', I do consider this to be Matthew McConaughey's best pre-McConassaince film. Oh, what's that sound? Pretty sure it's the sound of my man card being revoked.

In the category of pictures I never thought would be included on #DaddyWrite, I present the above.

Back to that first point. A week ago on Sunday, while on my way home from the men's retreat, I received a text from Bethany that she had lost her engagement ring. Ok, I don't want to say lost because that just sounds mean. Let's go with misplaced instead. Regardless of the terminology you choose to use, I found myself feeling absolutely helpless. As my carpool buddy, Dustin, will attest, I was pretty bummed about the whole thing for most of the trip home. 

As soon as I dropped Dustin off at his house, I began retracing Bethany's steps from the day by immediately heading to the church. Please don't think me a jerk. My daughter was asleep next to my wife so my coming home would have just woken Ellie from her slumber. 

From a phone conversation with Bethany right after I received the text, the only places she had been that day were home, church, and Target. From the absolute start, I thought it most likely the ring could be found if it was just at church or home. Therefore, I decided to make a quick stop by church and retrace steps through the parking lot since Dustin's home is relatively close to there. Now, of course, I didn't find anything of value after a few trots back and forth across the lot so gave up and headed for home. Don't worry, I also made the obligatory trip to Target later that night to check the parking lot and women's departments for any sign of the ring (and got lots of weird looks in doing so).

That night, after plenty of discussion, I finally convinced Bethany that we should post the ring was lost on Facebook and try to find it via the power of social media. Over the next few days, I would see that post shared 74 times. I also posted ads for the ring on Facebook Marketplace and Craig's List hoping to get some kind of hit. Instead, as the days went by, I found myself feeling more and more dejected by a lack of progress. It seemed that nothing was working. I mean, I even convinced the Loss Prevention guy at Target to check the security camera footage to see if Bethany's ring was on her finger or not. Sadly, her left finger was obscured by her coat's sleeve.

A possible reenactment of Bethany on security camera footage...

Finally on Saturday morning, I was startled awake by the vibrations of my phone around 6:00 am. Looking at the text message from my friend, Allen, I was shocked to see that he was convinced he had found the ring. You see, he had shared my post about the ring on a swap-and-shop forum he was a part of. In doing so, he found that someone else had shared a post about a lost ring they found in the Target parking lot. After a little bit of back-and-forth, Allen sent the lady's phone number onto me so I could get in touch. 

Within two hours, Bethany and I (with Ellie) were at a CVS Pharmacy, sitting in the parking lot waiting for a yellow Jeep to meet us. Sure enough, once the lady and her husband arrived, it was with Bethany's very ring. It was a little worse for wear after being run over in the parking lot several times but nothing that couldn't be fixed and returned to us by March 31st (Thanks JCPenney Lifetime Protection Plan!).

Honestly, all that I have heard when telling people this story is how amazing it really is that the ring was recovered. I have to say I agree. Bethany and I both found ourselves praying for this very recovery throughout the week and we were both still in shock. I think the coolest part of the whole thing is how it shows everything happens in God's own timing. 

Throughout the week, I had definitely been obsessing over the ring as I cannot stand it when things are lost and just wanted to help find it. Finally, I reached the point where I was risking alienating my wife with my consistent searching and had to just give it up to God. In other words, I found myself acknowledging the fact that we would find the ring only if God willed it and I needed to be OK with that. Once I finally settled down on Thursday night and stopped obsessing is when the ring essentially fell right into our laps. 

I should probably say I'm sorry if you just come here for Ellie stories and got this little ditty instead. I did so because there are probably plenty of curious people wondering how we found the ring. Also, I realized it's much easier to tell stories via blog post rather than reciting it to individuals over and over again. 

Gotta think smarter, not harder. Alright, alright, alright. #DaddyWrite

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