Monday, March 5, 2018

Day 358 - Cloud(y) With a Chance of Photography

Anyone else ever have trouble remembering life before smart phones? I'm serious. I've only owned one for a little under two years but it's become such a part of my everyday life that I feel naked without it. Also, I mean that statement in a figurative manner, not a literal manner. I can attest that I am fully clothed as I type this. Well, fully clothed except for my feet. They were hot so I ditched my socks and I now realize that is information that no one really cares about.

Back to the smart phone topic and how they are very handy devices. I very much enjoy being able to browse Facebook or Twitter, checking sports scores via ESPN, or even video chatting with friends or family while out and about. Of course, I would be remiss if I didn't mention being able to play Ticket to Ride, Trivia Crack, or any of the other great games out there.

There is one downfall about owning a smart phone though. Actually, there are probably multiple downfalls but one comes to mind first and foremost that is specific  to iPhone owners. I'd be willing to bet that a larger percentage of iPhone owners have been confronted by the following statement. A statement that sends shivers down one's spine wondering just what it will take to get rid of it. The statement in question? "Not Enough Storage: This iPhone cannot be backed up because there is not enough iCloud storage available."

Raise your hand if you have a feeling of dread every time you see this.

Now, I realize this seems like a relatively minor thing for most people to encounter. However, I find myself completely paralyzed and unable to respond accordingly when this message pops up. You see, I have a confession to make. I'm a picture addict. Need proof, I offer up the fact that my phone currently is home to 729 photos and 51 videos. Taking that into account, it's not really that shocking that I'm constantly fighting a losing battle against my iCloud storage.

I realize that this issue would be relatively simple to resolve. I just need to delete some pictures. However, for some reason, I just don't want to do so. Even though they are all backed up to our hard drive, every time I make an attempt at freeing up space I find myself totally frozen at the aspect of deleting precious memories of Ellie's life. I've got a little bit of everything there. Birth moments to video of her first bath to random picture of her with family. There's early videos of crawling, walking, and climbing stairs. There's even a photo of me making a raw hamburger patty and holding it right in front of her face for her to stare at.

Flashback Friday...

Really, I find myself wondering if other parents have the same issue with deleting photos. It's not like they won't be there anymore in some form. It's just the fact that I love having them on my phone to look at whenever I want. I'm actually flipping through them intermittingly as I'm writing this, laughing and smiling all the while.

Ok, I've decided. There's only one thing for me to do. I'm going to have to take a cue from Michael Scott in the final episode of 'The Office' and just get a second cell phone (and plan). All so I can avoid deleting moments of Ellie's life off of my phone. This is going to get really pricey, really fast, isn't it? #DaddyWrite                                                                                                                       

Which is yet another thing my phone is occasionally incapable of doing without first deleting things.

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