Thursday, July 27, 2017

Day 221 - Ellie Versus the Vacuum

Everyone's got some kind of fear. Ok, maybe not everyone. I can't confirm that though as various searches for people without fear on Google only gave me Taylor Swift's 'Fearless' album and the superhero, Daredevil. 

The T-Swift/Daredevil mashup you never even knew you needed...

That being said, I really do believe everyone's afraid of something. For example, I really don't like mice for some reason. I know that they're tiny and really incapable of hurting anyone. For some weird reason, I just don't like them. Unless you're talking about Mickey; I really do like Mickey. In the case of Bethany, she absolutely hates storms. The louder and more intense it is, the more she finds herself afraid. Don't even get me started on how she reacts to being alone during one. 

Ironically, while Bethany and I have some silly fears on display there, I've really thought Ellie is fearless. Now, I know for a fact that there is no one without fear. Obviously, Google taught me that. I just assumed Ellie was as close as they come. That's especially true when considering all of the trips tumbling down the stairs, all of the times she's been tossed in the air and caught, and all of the times she has had to eat my cooking. Well, now I realize that's no longer true. Ellie is indeed afraid of something and it might be just as silly as mice and storms.

One of Ellie's favorite traditions in the Holt household is that of the afternoon snack. Normally taking place at some point between 3 and 4 pm, it's a moment that she may just wait all day for. Ok, I might be overselling it. It's not that special. That being said, she does enjoy it. It's not something that we put a ton of prep work into as the snack is usually something like animal crackers, goldfish crackers, or yogurt. Basically the purpose of said snack is just to tide Ellie over until dinner time.

So, you're wondering something along the lines of what exactly was on the menu and how is this blog-worthy. The snack of the day was a mixture of graham crackers and goldfish. Now, more often than not, when feeding Ellie a snack such as this, I just let her sit on the floor with her milk cup beside her. I figure this gives her a nice change of pace from being in the high chair. I will say this normally goes well but today was the exception to the rule.

Like any reasonable person, Ellie will reach a point where she's full and doesn't want to eat anymore. She generally will show that she's reached that point by just crawling off and leaving her bowl and cup where they lie on the kitchen floor. For some reason, she decided to mix it up today. She instead decided to mark being done with her snack by turning the bowl upside down and spilling crumbs all over the kitchen floor. After I picked up all of the large crumbs, I still found myself with an overwhelming amount of tiny crumbs covering the kitchen floor.

With no other recourse, I went to our coat closet and pulled out the vacuumed. As I wheeled it over to the kitchen, I saw Ellie immediately become apprehensive at the sight of it. That was nothing compared to me plugging it in. The second the motor kicked on and air started whirling around inside the cylinder, Ellie stood up and pulled at my shorts frantically. This actually would continue until I turned the vacuum off. I then took pity and picked up my baby to calm her racing heart.

Maybe it's a bad attitude but one hopes Ellie learned something from this experience. Although I think the only thing to learn here is don't dump your food on the kitchen floor and the vacuum won't get turned on. Maybe that is a good life lesson for all I know. #DaddyWrite

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