Thursday, July 20, 2017

Day 217 - You're a Heartbreaker (aka The Playdate)

Be honest with me, is this a weird topic for a blog?

Oh, what's that? You say that I haven't done or said anything yet? I guess it might be helpful if you knew where I was going with before I asked you to tell me if it's a weird topic or not. Ok, here we go.

Everyone has a type. You know, the type of person that you're interested in. Without getting too detailed (or incriminating), I remember I always liked brunettes when I was growing up. So needless to say, I was happy when I ended up with Bethany and her brownish/blondish locks. You know, I was right; this is a weird blog topic. Too late to turn back now so I might as well dive on in. 

You know, it's not just the blog that's weird...

I'm fully aware that if Ellie continues on the path she's on now, she may end up as a heartbreaker. Platinum blonde hair and baby blue eyes are something that a lot of guys go for.  Needless to say, I'm already taking the necessary steps to ensure that I'll at least be the type of dad that can slightly intimidate some of the guys that will come a courtin'. I've even enlisted the help of Ellie's "Uncle" Malachi to train me! That being said, I wasn't expecting to see Ellie already breaking hearts at the tender age of one. Shows how much I know.

One thing that I've learned since being a stay-at-home dad is that play dates seem to be a big thing. Seriously. I really don't know many stay-at-home dads, but I am Facebook friends with a good number of stay-at-home mothers. Therefore, all it takes for me to learn more about being a stay-at-home parent is just a simple browse through my news feed. Now, as a SAHD, I don't really seek out play dates or anything like that for a variety of reasons. Probably the largest is that I view myself as being awkwardly independent and I've got a reputation to keep up (says the daddy blogger who talks about his feelings).

Taking all of that into account, any time we have the opportunity to have Ellie interact with other kids, we try to take advantage of it. Luckily for us, that opportunity presented itself when our old college friends, Brendan and Laura, stopped by on Wednesday evening with their two-year-old son, Matthew, in tow. As they were just killing a little time before picking Brendan's mom up from the airport, we only had a couple of hours to hang. However, it was long enough to see young Matthew get acquainted with Ellie.

The two definitely played together really well. From looking out the window together to playing in Ellie's ball pit to taking turns on Ellie's swing, the two pretty much were inseparable for the better part of an evening. However, all good things must come to an end. Once 7:15ish rolled around, I knew it was time for me to get Ellie her bath so that she could get ready for bed. Side note, I say just me as Bethany was serving at our church's VBS for the week.

Once I had Ellie in the tub, washing her up, it was only a short amount of time before I looked over to see Matthew watching over my shoulder as I bathed her. You know, if he had been older, I may have taken action but I instead just chalked it up to the innocence of a child. Surely he wasn't checking her out, right? Soon enough, Ellie was cleaned, dressed, and was ready to be put to bed. So with a touch of milk and a couple of pacifiers, I put my daughter down for the night and headed downstairs to rejoin my friends.

Imagine my surprise when I reached the living room and saw Matthew with tears running down his face. It seemed that he had certainly become attached to his little play date over the previous couple of hours and couldn't imagine being separated from her. Either that or he was just really tired and wanted to sleep himself (It's probably that one). 

Legitimately curious, is that official ASL? Someone let me know...

So, as you can see, Ellie is indeed breaking hearts at the tender age of one. If she's already driving men (or boys) to tears at this point in her life, I can only imagine what I'm in for as she gets older. Good thing Malachi is going to teach me everything he knows about being a man. I may just need it. #DaddyWrite

Ed. note: There's obviously a fair amount of tongue-in-cheek to this article. No offense meant to Brendan, Laura, or Matthew (Not that they would likely ever take any). :)

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