Thursday, July 6, 2017

Day 207 - But I Wanna Touch the Moose...

Technical difficulties are the absolute worst when one is trying to write. 

I sat down yesterday with the expectation of composing an epic opus declaring the adventures of Day 207. However, I found myself thwarted at the hands of the dastardly Windows 10 security update. Normally, security updates take a whole two to five minutes to deal with. Well, that wasn't the case with this one in particular as the update began (by accident) at 9:30 pm and was still running around 10:45 pm. Ugh. 

Therefore, it goes without saying that my epic opus reliving the events of Wednesday had to be put on hold until today. Well, wait no longer because I proudly present to you, Day 207!

I think it's a significant possibility that sweet Ellie is completely exhausted. Of course, I don't think I could blame her. She's had an exciting couple of days between the Fourth of July and then getting to spend the entire day with her Uncle Ryan the next day. 

Honestly, I love hanging out with my brother-in-law but I found myself slightly concerned about doing so alone for the whole day. It's not for the reason you think though. He and I have spent plenty of time together before. We even traveled to San Francisco without Bethany! Instead, I was worried that he would get really bored just sitting around with me and Ellie for the day. I say that because, well, because it can be really boring to sit around the house with an infant all day. That's especially true during Ellie's naps since a person really can't make any noise with living in fear of waking her.

So, to set the stage, we find ourselves sitting around quietly until Ellie wakes up, actively brainstorming things we can do for the day. Finally, we settle on driving out to Overland Park in an attempt to find a radio station I had won something from. And yes, this is a different radio station than I normally win things from. Therefore, once Ellie awoke from her slumber, we stuffed her in the car seat and set off on what we anticipated would be a short, little adventure. In fact, I expected it to be so short I didn't even pack Ellie's diaper bag.

Once we finally found the radio station and retrieved my prize ($25 gift card to Jazz if you're interested), we hopped back in the car to head home. At this point, Ryan asked exactly how close we were to Bethany's office because he was a little curious to see it. Since we had nothing else to do on the schedule, instead of heading home, I pointed the car towards the Legends district and Bethany's office. 

When looking at the clock on the way, I came up with the bright idea of picking Bethany up for lunch so the three of us (four if you count Ellie) could eat together. For that to happen though, we had to first kill a little bit of time. Ryan actually came up with the idea of going to Cabela's to see the stuffed animals and what an idea it was! Ellie actually loved it so much that she tried to wriggle loose every time we got close to a display due to her overwhelming desire to touch the animals. She even let her uncle carry her throughout most of the store to boot!

Baby and a moose...

Once Bethany was free, we picked her up and headed to Pepperjax Grill for some food. It was actually really funny to see Ellie's face as Bethany hopped in the back seat next to her change from one of confusion to one of pure excitement. After finishing our lunch and returning Bethany to her place of employment, I gave Ryan a quick driving tour of the Legends district before heading home for Ellie's naptime. By the time our adventure was done, what I thought would be an hour trek turned into a three hour detour. That was just fine with me though.

We weren't quite done with our adventures for the day yet though. Once Ellie awoke from her afternoon nap, Ryan and I loaded her up in the stroller for a trip to the park. It was nice because I just kind of sat back and relaxed while we were there as Uncle Ryan enjoyed some bonding time with his only niece. I didn't even have to push the stroller! 


As a whole, I feel like the experience of hanging out with a guy besides me was really good for Ellie as she's been hesitant to interact with men lately. Even her "Uncle" Malachi and both grandfathers have been no exception to this. Hopefully she's finally coming out of her weird little shell now. Who knew that all it would take was a visit from her Uncle Ryan. #DaddyWrite

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