Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Day 225 - But That Noothgrush on my Toothbrush...

As you all well know (or may not know), one of my favorite activities is to pick out hypothetical careers for Ellie. I've envisioned her as a zookeeper in the past. Then, there was that one time I thought she might end up as a food critic or something of that ilk. And who could forget her dream job as the person responsible for filling the ball pit at McDonald's. 

Ok, I admit that it's pretty unlikely I've voiced most (if any) of those potential career paths. Stay with me for a moment here because it so happens that I have finally confirmed the perfect dream job for Ellie when she grows up and leaves home. Are you ready for this? Here it comes. Ellie is going to be a dentist! Don't worry, I do have sufficient evidence to ensure that this is correct.

The last several weeks for Ellie have been a little rough for her. That is due mostly in part to her teeth finally beginning to poke their way through her sensitive gums. The good news is that two are already in. The bad news being that she's still got quite a few to go. Side note, I've always heard that humans have 32 teeth but I'm blissfully unaware as to whether or not that counts wisdom teeth. Anyone know? Back on track now. So needless to say, Ellie's spent a lot of time lately with her hands stuffed in her mouth both feeling her new teeth and also rubbing her gums.

Wrong kind of gum there, fake Sean Spicer...

Of course, as Ellie grows and changes, there are more things that pop up for Bethany and I to do in order to adequately care for our daughter. The newest is to brush her teeth. I've got to say that I was incredibly concerned about how brushing Ellie's two teeth would go. For one, we're using a toothbrush specifically earmarked for use by children age two and up. While Ellie's a lot of things, she's certainly not age two and up at this time. I was fully convinced that the toothbrush would likely make her gag. I was also worried about whether or not she'd even let us put it in her mouth. Thankfully, I was wrong about all of that.

Ellie absolutely loves having her teeth brushed. Well, not just her teeth, but her gums as well. I'm sure that it gives her a nice little massage where the new teeth are trying to pop through. Not only does Ellie enjoy having her teeth brushed, but she actively begs for it. Anytime she is in our bathroom and sees her little toothbrush sitting in its holder, Ellie begins to frantically point at it, exclaiming "Ha". She'll actually continue doing so until we cease whatever it is we're doing and commence brushing. Believe it or not, that even includes bath time! 

One good thing about Ellie's love for  having her teeth brushed is that it is now remarkably easy to get her diapered and clothed following a bath. I will gently run the brush back and forth across Ellie's teeth and gums while Bethany takes charge of the other stuff. However, when the time comes for brushing to end for the evening, that generally means that the tears and crying commence.

I honestly never expected Ellie to take to something like teeth brushing so easily. I mean, I vividly remember having to be forced via hourglass to brush my teeth for a certain amount of time each day. I guess it just goes to show Ellie's strong commitment to dental hygiene. That and her remarkable curiosity for anything new and out of the ordinary. #DaddyWrite

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