Friday, August 18, 2017

Day 238 - Unseasonal Headgear Selection and Nontraditional Sliding Techniques

I like to brag on Ellie. No big shocker there as I'm guessing most dads enjoy bragging on their children. In fact, I'm really excited right now as she's starting to learn to walk and talk. I know that it's only a matter of time before I get to run around chasing her and I truly believe that will be a blast. Not only that, but it's going to make life so much easier once Ellie's actually able to vocally tell me what she is wanting rather than just crying. 

On the flip side of bragging is that I get to make fun of Ellie when she does something in the wrong fashion. I'm not going to lie; I certainly do my fair share of doing so. While Ellie seems to be very intelligent, there are certainly times where she does something so silly and against conventional wisdom that I can't help but laugh. Luckily for me, I got to experience two of those moments today.

Like most mornings, I began my day at the gym and returned home around 6:30 am to watch Ellie while Bethany prepared for the day ahead. As of late, Ellie's been playing on our bed when I get home so I just need to head upstairs to find her there. So, long story short, I wandered up the stairs and turned the corner into our room to see Ellie sitting on the bed and "reading" a book. Oh yes, there was one thing I forgot; she was sporting a pink knit hat. 

I was born into the thug life; I didn't choose it...

Now, as we're still in the midst of summer, this obviously took me by surprise. When I asked Bethany for details, her response was simple. Apparently Ellie had found it on the floor and had actually brought it to Bethany to put on her head. Not only that, but Ellie had actually been wearing it since she first got out of bed for the morning. As I sat down beside my daughter, I decided to test her commitment to her headgear. Reaching out for the hat, Ellie deftly avoided my hand, darting side-to-side to avoid me getting her hat in my grasp. Finally, at peace with her commitment, I stopped antagonizing Ellie and let her be. In case you're wondering, she finally took the hat off on her own, post breakfast and just prior to bed.

Of course, it wasn't just unseasonal headgear that made me wonder about Ellie's decision making. A trip to the indoor playground at Zona Rosa gave me additional fodder. I had actually been intending to take Ellie to play at Zona Rosa for a while, but for whatever reason, it just hadn't happened yet. Therefore, with the two of us having been cooped up for most of the week, I decided to take Ellie out for a fun afternoon adventure. 


From the time I sat her down on the carpet, she was off to the races, climbing over everything in her path. Partly due to her enjoyment of exploration and partly due to the little girl that was obsessed with trying to give Ellie hugs. Of course, I did follow Ellie around the play area like a good parent because I didn't want her using other kids as a climbing apparatus. Not to mention, I didn't need Ellie to put anyone's eye out due to her fascination with grabbing at faces.

Before long, Ellie found her way to the slide in the middle of the play area. However, rather than climb her way up the "steps" to the top of the slide, she instead chose to take the path less traveled. In other words, she found it more prudent to try and climb up the slide itself. Now, obviously, I could climb up a slide like that no problem. As could many other children in the play area. Ellie really cannot. First of all, her attempt to do so in socks left her continually sliding down. Second of all, she's just a little girl who's not even walking yet. 

After sometime of watching her happily try to climb and fail, I took pity on Ellie and lifted her to the top of the slide so that she could go down. To my dismay, she instead spun around backwards, laid down on her stomach, and slid down the slide that way. Scratching my head in confusion, I returned Ellie to the top of slide and tried to hold her in place so that she could slide down on her backside. Of course, Ellie wriggled lose, turned on her stomach, and headed straight down the slide. At that point, I just decided to go with it and continued lifting Ellie to the top of the slide for her to slide down on her stomach until she finally tired out.

So, as you can see, Ellie's decision making skills do provide me with a lot of material to laugh at. In fact, I even made sure to take pictures so that I'll always have photographic evidence to prove Ellie's not perfect. After all, isn't that the way of the dad? #DaddyWrite

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