Friday, August 11, 2017

Day 233 - Baby in a Big Kid Pool

I find myself stricken. Don't worry, I'm not stricken by illness. Although, my face is slightly sore from running into a tree branch while playing capture the flag on Wednesday night into Thursday morning. (Thanks for asking.) 

I'll show you, Mr. Tree Branch

No, I'm stricken by something else and that would be the ability to disappoint poor Bethany. Now, I realize that it's probably pretty common for members of the male sex to inevitably disappoint their wives in one fashion or another. In our house, it's normally something along the lines of me not doing something I said I would do. 

"Jesse, will you take out the diapers?"
"Sure, of course I will."
"And would you mind terribly doing the dishes?"
"Uh huh."
"Maybe toss in a load of laundry while you're at it."
"No problem."

Just so you know, Bethany is nowhere near that nagging. In fact, when she reads this, she'll probably ask if she nags too much. 

I'll get around to it at some point...

The point is that I have a propensity for saying I'll do things, then I inevitably get distracted, put it off, and well, it doesn't get done. Now, don't worry as I normally do get it done...sometime that week. The funny thing is that I generally don't feel too badly about those times. The things I feel badly about are when I fail to adequately document some very special moment in young Ellie's life. In fact, one of those moments occurred on Thursday.

What exactly was that moment you ask? Well, Ellie actually got an invite to her first big kid pool party. She has had play dates in the past revolving around water but never actually in a real swimming pool. With my college roommate housesitting for his parents, he and his wife decided to take advantage and host a pool party for all of their friends with kids. So, with the invite in hand, Ellie and I loaded up around 1:00 after her post-lunch nap and headed towards St. Joseph.
Honestly, I was a little concerned that Ellie would be among the youngest there and that it could potentially be awkward as a result. It turns out that worry was totally in vain as Ellie found herself smack dab in the middle in terms of age. 

Once we arrived, I dressed Ellie in her purple one piece swimsuit and bucket hat (no bikinis for the baby yet), tossed on my own trunks and headed towards the pool. I was a little uncertain as to how Ellie would respond to a big pool. Obviously, she loves her kiddie pool and her baths, but there's a huge difference between those two things and a full-size pool. Namely, many, many gallons of water. 

With Ellie in my arms, I cautiously walked down the steps to enter the shallow portion of the pool with baby in hand. Once I reached solid ground, I bent my knees slightly to put the water level right around Ellie's chest. Her response? Squeal in delight and begin hitting the water excitedly. In fact, before long, I was giving Ellie her first round of swim lessons. In case you're wondering, that pretty much looked like me turning her horizontal with one hand on her chest and one on her backside to support and brace her. She was actually doggy-paddling like a champ and everything.

Before long, two hours had passed for us and it was time for our pool fun to come to an end. Unceremoniously I must add as my sweet daughter didn't even get to go down the big water slide once. As I removed Ellie from the pool, dried her off, and wrapped her up in a fleece cover-up, she took one final glance at the pool, pointed, and sadly declared "Ha!". Unfortunately, there was no more pool fun to be had on that day.

Doubly unfortunate, after we were both dressed and back in the car, I looked down to see my cell phone sitting in the cup holder. I then came to the realization that I had completely forgotten to document the day for Bethany in any way, shape, or form. Man, am I a bad dad/husband or what?

Hopefully this blog post of approximately 700 words can help fill the void left by the lack of photographs in some fashion. If not, we can always document Ellie's second pool experience and declare it to be "the first". Is that slightly unethical? #DaddyWrite

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