Monday, July 31, 2017

Day 224 - Introduction to Recycling and Toliet Paper Unwinding

Recycling. No one is ever going to claim that recycling is a bad thing. Of course not. The whole 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle' is definitely good for Planet Earth. That being said, I do occasionally find myself relatively uncertain as to whether something may or may not be recycled. 

I knew there was a fourth 'R' I was forgetting...

For example, that glass jar with remnants of marinara sauce stuck to the side for all eternity. Try as I might, I can never scrub all of that off. So, can I still recycle that or does it have to be trashed due to the nastiness? Same thing goes for that plastic container of strawberries that I forgot about in the back of the fridge until it molded. Can the plastic container still be recycled even if it's covered in mold? The world may never know.

I bring this up because Ellie actually provided me with a problem in the same vein as these last week. Honestly, I feel like it required an answer that I felt totally unprepared as to what it would be.
Flashback to Friday. As soon as Ellie awoke from her morning nap and had her cup of milk, it was time for that most valued of morning traditions. That being me actually getting the opportunity to grab a shower. You see, Ellie's ears are still finely-tuned instruments that pick up the slightest hint of noise. Flushing toilets, pouring cereal into a bowl, opening any door on our top floor: all will end up alerting Ellie to my presence. Therefore, I wait until she's a awake to grab a shower more often than not.

What is that I hear? Doth my ears deceive me?

To ensure Ellie stays out of mischief, I shut her into Bethany's and my bedroom and leave the door open to the master bathroom so she can come as she pleases. I also will normally leave our closet door open so she can play with our shoes all she wants (weird foot fetish, I guess?). Normally Ellie is quite well-behaved but this was not the case on Friday.

As soon as I completed my shower, I slid open the door to find toilet paper strewn across our tiny bathroom and heading out the door into the bedroom. You see, Ellie had gotten bored while waiting on me to complete my shower and had actually unrolled an entire roll of paper (seriously, only one square was missing). As if I needed further confirmation it was her, Ellie was proudly sitting amidst a mountain of toilet paper right outside the bathroom door laughing happily.

While I was irritated, I saw no harm in it so began rolling the paper back onto the roll. After looping the roll about 12 times, I ran out of things to roll because Ellie, in all of her excitement, had actually not just unrolled the paper. She had also decided to shred it. At this point, I did feel it was necessary to tell her she was a bad baby since she has been punished for touching toilet paper rolls before. Of course, all that accomplished was drawing a ridiculous amount of tears from my daughter as she sat amongst her toilet paper mountain (the better to dry her tears with). With no recourse, I balled up the remainder of the shredded paper and condensed it down from its original basketball size until I could stuff it in the garbage can. 

In case you're wondering, I did consider recycling. One particular reason kept me from not doing so, though. I just imagined the mess that would spring forth if it happened to rain on recycling day. And well, that was a mess I just had no desire to clean up ever. #DaddyWrite

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