Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Day 210 - My Daughter, The Cow

Ok, maybe this isn't the best title for a blog. In fact, the more I think about it, it's pretty heinous. If I've learned anything in life, it's that you never call a woman of any age a cow. However, I've already typed it out and I don't really want to hit the backspace key. I mean, that's some unnecessary key pressing that doesn't particularly need to occur. Especially when you consider Ellie's lack of reading ability. By the time she's actually able to read this and comprehend it, maybe she'll also be old enough to comprehend her father's weird sense of humor. 

I should probably provide a tiny bit of background as to why I'm referring to nice, little Ellie as a cow. It's not because she's big because we all know that's not the case. That being said, there are certainly times that she eats like a cow. The girl certainly loves her food and her milk. Instead, I can thank Chick-Fil-A for me calling Ellie a cow. You see, today was Cow Appreciation Day and Chick-Fil-A celebrates in a very unique fashion. If you come into the restaurant dressed like a Holstein cow (like the ones in their advertisements), you receive a free meal for having done so. 

So, when you take all of that into account, it's a given I was going to take advantage of free chicken for Ellie. Now, keep in mind, that people normally don't have Holstein cow attire easily on hand. Luckily, we did have some clothes that would work. Between a pair of cow-print pants from our most recent batch of hand-me-downs and an unbuttoned three-to-six month onesie with a  homemade cow's head on the front, Ellie was looking pretty cute if I don't say so myself. So with that, I loaded my daughter up and headed to Chick-Fil-A.

Who's a good moo cow? Who's a good moo cow? Ellie's a good moo cow!

Something that I have noticed is that Chick-Fil-A has to be the unofficial eating establishment of stay-at-home moms all over the KC Metro area. Keeping that in mind, I decided to beat the rush by showing up around 10:30 to take advantage of the free meal. As we reached the restaurant, imagine my surprise when the place was already looking pretty full. After placing our order, I happily found a table alongside the window, but could not procure a high chair for Ellie. It was for the best though as I had forgotten both Ellie's bib and cup so it was slightly easier for me to feed her myself. Once our meals arrived, I slowly fed Ellie a healthy portion of nuggets and her fruit cup (keeping the apples for myself of course since she can't chew them) while trying to grab occasional bites of my sandwich for myself.

I say slowly because there was certainly plenty to distract Ellie on a day such as today. First and foremost would be the iconic Chick-Fil-A cow who was wandering around the premises greeting visitors. In fact, every time he walked by our table, "Eat Mor Chikin" sign hanging around his neck, Ellie immediately stopped whatever she was doing to stare at her new bovine friend. Couple that with about 15 kids wearing white trash bags with spots drawn in Sharpie and that one elderly couple with pictures of cows taped to their foreheads and you can tell that Ellie was easily doing more watching than eating.

Honestly, I love days like this. I think it's fun to go on weird little outings like this with Ellie. I know she'll never remember them but I should remember at least a few of them. I just found myself with one lone regret from the day; I didn't manage to get a photo op of Ellie and the cow enjoying chicken together. Does my failure to get a photo of a stranger in a cow costume holding my baby girl mean I'm failing as a parent? Probably does. #DaddyWrite

Ok, I lied. Look closely and you can see Ellie staring out the window happily watching the cow jump.

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