Monday, July 24, 2017

Day 219 - Time to Spank the Baby...

I had to discipline the baby today. You're probably slightly curious what exactly Ellie did to deserve discipline. Well, don't think about it too much because she totally deserved it and had it coming. That being said, it still wasn't fun at all. Just so I don't leave you wallowing in anticipation any longer, I'll go ahead and hop right to it.

Today started off basically like every other. Well, not every other if I'm being totally honest. A 4:00 am wake-up call from Ellie is not standard operating procedure. That tidbit isn't really integral to the story though. What is important to the story is that everything else for the morning went according to plan; Ellie ate her breakfast around 6:45 am and went down for her nap around 7:15. See, nothing too out of the ordinary. 

Once Ellie woke up from her morning nap during the 8:00 hour, I promptly picked her up, gave her a hug, and set her down on the floor to play. It didn't take long though for me to notice the stank emanating from within Ellie's pajamas and for the accompanying gag reflex to kick in. That's right, Ellie needed a diaper change! Just in case you're wondering, I am aware that I have shared other diaper stories over the lifetime of #DaddyWrite. This one's slightly different.

Just like every other diaper change, I laid Ellie down on her changing table and unzipped her pajamas. Just as I suspected the diaper was definitely soiled. Therefore, I removed her pajamas and set about diaper duty, taking great precaution to lay out a fresh diaper and as many baby wipes as I assume would be necessary. Then it's time to get to work.

Ellie's diaper changes can be such a dirty job, not even Mike Rowe would tackle it.

I open up the diaper and use the minuscule piece of clean diaper left to wipe remaining residue off of Ellie's skin before hitting it with the wipe. Here's where things get rough. You see, Ellie has developed this weird habit of trying to grab the used diaper's tabs while laying on the table. In fact, that very action on Sunday night led to me getting my hand covered in her poop. As you can guess, I was not stoked by that turn of events. Therefore, each time I saw Ellie's hand inching close to the used diaper, I made certain to slap it away. Once, twice, three times I followed through with slapping her hand away. 

Finally on the fourth time, I wasn't quite fast enough and Ellie got a firm grasp on the diaper. It so happened that Ellie wasn't just content to hold the diaper. She instead wanted to work on her lifelong ambition of being a calf roper in the rodeo. She took the diaper and began whirling it around over her head just as a cowboy would a lasso. Luckily, I got the diaper away from her before its contents added some new colors to her pretty, green walls. 

Now, as you can probably guess, I was pretty much fuming after this. Quickly cleaning Ellie's backside off, I then grabbed her legs and raised them in the air, proceeding to give her three swift swats to her bare butt. As Ellie has never been spanked before, she looked up at me, tears beginning to stream from her big blue eyes. Her bottom lip began to quiver, finally opening wide and letting out a primal scream. I wasn't really in the mood so I quickly diapered Ellie, sat her down in the floor, and walked out of her room to ours across the hall. Honestly, I was still mad at her despite the spanking and needed a little time to calm down the rest of the way.

It didn't take long for Ellie to come wandering into our bedroom. However, she didn't come alone. Instead she came, dragging her borrowed copy of "10 Little Rubber Ducks". She would then stand up next to our bed, holding the book aloft for me to take. If that wasn't enough of a hint, she also audibly followed it up with a "Muh Uh" which is Ellie's way of asking for something. As I looked at her, I realized I couldn't stay mad at her. I picked my daughter up, plopped her on my lap, and proceeded to read aloud to her.

I'm actually really glad for Ellie's desire to smooth things over quickly. I had been feeling really, really bad about spanking her (I still do). However, I know this won't be the last time she gets spanked. It also makes you think a little. As Bethany eloquently stated, it gives us a little hint as to how God feels when he has to punish us. 

And well, if you didn't know, it pretty much stinks. Kind of like Ellie's diaper. #DaddyWrite

If you need confirmation that all is well between Ellie and I, this photo from this afternoon should do the trick...

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