Monday, July 17, 2017

Day 214 - Systematic Solving of Problematic Couch-Based Scenarios

One of my favorite things about being married to Bethany is how we have similar, but ultimately different personalities. I feel like she really does (for some reason) appreciate my sardonic and irrelevant sense of humor. She even takes part in it from time-to-time. I guess I really have corrupted her in some fashion. 

There are differences though. For example, I'm more of a words guy while Bethany tends to gravitate towards numbers. It's not that I don't understand numbers though; it's just that I don't really care for them. Another area in which we differ is in our ability to problem solve. I feel like my wife certainly has more natural ability to problem solve. Fortunately for Ellie, that's something she has inherited from Bethany.

Since Ellie first started crawling, she's continually wanted to raise the bar for herself. First it was crawling (obviously). Then, she decided it was time to climb up the stairs (and tumble down accordingly). Soon enough, she mastered going down the stairs correctly. Now, she's trying to figure out the whole standing and walking thing. In the meantime though, she decided to learn to crawl on and off of our couches at will. The couch in our basement provides no challenge for little Ellie as it's a short enough height that she can easily get on and off it whenever she wants. The real challenge for Ellie lies with our upstairs couch.

We want to raise the bar, not raise the roof...

Please don't be too disappointed, but I'm not going to grab a tape measurer and give you the exact height discrepancy between the two couches. You'll just have to take my word for it that Ellie struggles with pulling herself up onto our upstairs couch. Another factor is that said couch is notoriously slick due to the leather(?) finish. I know this because I've seen Ellie desperately cling to our t-shirts in an attempt to pull herself up onto the sofa beside us on more than one occasion. Seriously, the girl's got some mad pull up skills. That being said, there has always been an issue when she wants to get on the couch and neither of us are on it. That may no longer be the case though as I witnessed tonight.

It was no shocker this evening when Ellie crawled over to the couch and pulled herself up to a stand. Also not a surprise to see her try in vain to pull herself up onto the couch. The bigger surprise was watching the little wheels turn in her head after her failure. 

Instead of giving up, she inched her way down to the head of the couch and the two throw pillows residing there. Reaching up, she simultaneously dragged both pillows off of the couch and onto the floor before nonchalantly tossing one aside. Then, ensuring that the remaining pillow was in an acceptable position, Ellie pulled herself to stand, placed one foot onto the pillow, and proceeded to push herself onto the couch. She proudly smiled at me as she sat down on the cushion, leaning against the rear of the couch, and proceeded to happily clap for her accomplishment.

I'm certainly happy to see Ellie problem solving at such a young age. Just knowing that she already has the ability to get herself in and out of any pickles that may arise makes me feel good about her chances in this world. 

That being said, I feel like I need to apologize in advance for my daughter's weird sense of humor because it definitely came from me. If she happens to slap you in the face and laughs hysterically, please don't be offended. It's probably somehow my fault. #DaddyWrite

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