Thursday, January 5, 2017

Day 90 - Initiate Emergency Bath-time Protocol

Every so often, there is a moment in child rearing that is so awful that words cannot fully describe.  So of course, I'm going to blog about it.  Using my words.  That's appropriate, right?  For you to get the full story, I must first take you back.  Back to the year, 2017.  The date?  January 5th.  The time?  6:09 am (Central Standard Time).  

Hello alarm clock, my old friend...

Bethany had awoken me early per my request of the previous evening so that I could have adequate time to clean off our driveway before she needed to leave for work.  Begrudgingly, I rolled out of bed (after eleven minutes), tossed on a couple of layers of clothes and my boots, and headed outside to dig us out.  Once completed, I wandered back inside and spent a little time hanging out with Bethany and Ellie before she would leave for work.  At about 8:00 am (still Central time), I put Ellie down in her swing for a nap.  Per normal protocol, she would fuss and cry for approximately fifteen to twenty minutes before finally drifting off.  I myself was a little tired so decided around 9:00 am to take a short nap as well.

I actually underestimated how tired I actually was as I did not wake up from said nap until 11:02 am.  Hearing my daughter stirring happily, but not crying, I bounded down the stairs with great excitement to retrieve her from her swing.  I laid down on the floor and sat Ellie upright on stomach, smiling broadly at her.  It was then that her stench overtook me.  It was time for a kind of diaper change that hadn't been done in three days.  I then put her in my arms and headed upstairs to her room for a quick change which would be followed by her lunch.

As I laid her down on the table, I quickly noticed a wet spot on my stomach.  Just assuming it was drool, I then glanced down at my right arm as I was undressing her to find another suspicious wet spot.  At this point, my nerves began to kick in.  As I removed her pajamas, I was mortified to find an enormous brown stain that had seeped through the pajamas.  Smelling my shirt, I then realized that's what the wet spot was.  As I removed Ellie's diaper, the enormity of the moment overtook me.  I quickly realized this wasn't a one wet-wipe job; it wasn't even a two wet-wipe job.  It was time to go nuclear and initiate emergency bath-time protocol, stat!  

Using one hand to support Ellie's back and the other to hold her legs aloft, I turned and headed to the bathroom with great swiftness only to encounter several issues upon my arrival.  The shower curtain on our bathtub was closed, there was no bath water prepared, and the vicious brown liquid was about to drop from Ellie's posterior to the blue bathmat below.  Seeing no other alternative, I quickly stuffed Ellie into our bathroom sink where violent screams would commence.  Probably something to do with her essentially being in a ball.  I then drew Ellie a warm bath as quickly as I could and transported her to the bath water.  Once in the tub, I gently washed her until all remaining residue was off of her and floating in the bath water like algae on a country pond. 

As I laid Ellie on her ducky towel on the bathroom floor (only to be met by additional screams), I realized that I had not brought clothes or a replacement diaper.  I then retreated to her room to obtain the necessary adornments and returned to the bathroom to dress her as quickly as possible.  At this point, I took a deep breath (in and out) as I held my screaming child, silently thanking the inventors of modern plumbing for running water.  Without them, none of this would have been possible.  #DaddyWrite

Oh ducky towel, the things you have seen...

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