Thursday, January 19, 2017

Day 99 - When Boats and Presidential Aspirations Collide

So I obviously take great joy in telling the world about every negative thing that my daughter's ever done.  That way when she runs for President, the world can pull out all of these great stories from when she was an infant.   I can see it now.

"Excuse me, Miss Holt.  I see here on your father's blog that apparently you had a massive blowout in your diaper as an infant.  I also see that you were a stubborn child who detested naps, you screamed to an excessive degree making a medical student question their career path, and...and you stood on a sidewalk next to a giant, dancing piece of pizza in a rain storm.  With a track record such as this, can you really say you're capable of being our next President?"  

Now obviously, Ellie will not have any kind of answer to that because she would never in her wildest dreams have expected Lester Holt to come up with that kind of question.  Sadly, it was that very question that would cost her all of her Presidential aspirations and propel President LaBeouf to his unprecedented fifth term in office.  By the way, how impressive is it that "Uncle Lester" is still conducting debates at the age of 92?

Just remember who predicted the Shia LaBeouf Presidential bid first...

The point of this little tangent is that #DaddyWrite isn't just about the negative stories.  Sometimes it's about the cute positive stories.  So, here we go.  Ellie has always loved her bathtime.  Basically from the first time we plopped her down in a tub of water, she was in Heaven.  She loves to splash the water all over whoever is responsible for washing her on that given evening, grinning from ear-to-ear every time we pause to wipe water from our brows as it drips down our face (We're not crying.  No, we're not crying).  In fact, her love for bath time has increased since she learned to sit upright while being washed.  

Since she learned to sit upright, I've been on a quest.  A quest for bath toys.  Believe it or not, this was actually a more difficult mission than I anticipated.  It's actually really hard to find age appropriate bath toys.  Basically everything I would look at would read "Age 1 to 3 years".  "Age 1 to 3 years"?  Really?  I want my baby to have bath toys now.  Not later.  Yesterday, the day would finally arrive when my mission would achieve success.  With a trip to Walmart, I stumbled across the final set of tiny boats in the entire store produced for infant use.  With a great feeling of pride swelling through me, I placed the boats in my shopping cart, puffed out my chest, and power-walked my way out of the store.

Tonight was actually the big night that I got to see Ellie play with her boats for the first time.  To see the look on her face as they floated by her in the water.  The pink one, the orange one, the yellow one.  Then to see her act out her lifelong dream (all six months of it) of being Godzilla as she submerged the boats to the white, porcelain depths of the bathtub below.  And just in case any tiny, imaginary sailors survived being submerged, she inserted the boats into her mouth and proceed to drool all over what was left of them.   

When the destruction was completed, we pulled Ellie out of the tub, released the water down the drain, and dried her off in her Zebra towel.  I could swear though that I saw her glance back over her shoulder at the boats as they moored on the bottom of the tub as if to say, "This isn't over..."  #DaddyWrite 

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